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Aster looked at her stunned. "H...How did you figured that out?"

"It's not hard to figure out Aster, you talk with Milo more than anyone else that I've seen. And Milo isn't the least bit subtitle when it comes to things like that. Not to mention that you two were gone for a rather long period of time. I knew that it shouldn't have taken you two that long to go and get a damn cake." Serena said as she turned herself to look up at him

Aster averted his eyes as he felt called out by his girlfriend. "Is it bad that I had talked with your brother?"

"No, I just find it rather amusing that he was the one you talked to instead of my father." Serena said amused "Though I guess Milo is the safer person to go to, had you gone to my father...our first time wouldn't have ended how it did that's for sure."

Aster raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean by that Rena?"

Serena let out a sigh as she shut her eyes before she completely turned herself to look at Aster as she had her hands on his chest softly. "I don't think you are aware of just how fucking kinky my parents are and how my siblings and I were produced by them. The fucked up 'show and tell' stories that my siblings and I got when we were younger...I'm glad they've stopped with that shit now that we're older." She said shaking her head 

Aster looked at her confused only for her to let out another sigh as she placed her head against his chest. "Maybe some day I can show you instead of trying to explain it to you darling. For now let's just rest...I truly don't feel like moving right now."

"Good that was the point." Aster said as he wrapped his arms around her tightly

She looked up at him confused "Wait what...Seriously?"

"Mhm, part of the reason we took so long is because your brother had gotten your duffle bag and placed your clothes in it for a few days so we could have time to spend together. I was told by him that you have the next three days off due to the bar restaurant being too over pact with employees at the moment."

"Mhm, the manager and owner wants to sift through their employees that they think aren't good enough to be there and judge them for the next few days to see who will stay and who will be let go. They know that I'm a good employee, so they kept me out of it." Serena said with a nod of her head

"So will you even be paid for those days off?" Aster asked curiously "I know you live off of what you do."

"Yeah, I was told that tomorrow and the nineth I'll be getting my hourly pay. Just I need to come in and clock in at a certain time then go back to clock out when I'd get off shift."

"So it'll still say you're on the clock but you aren't working? Isn't that illegal?"

"Honestly I dunno and I'm not going to question how my work place does things." Serena said with a shrug before she heard her phone go off that was in the living room

Aster kissed her on the lips as he got up. "I'll get that."

She nodded her head and watch him leave before he got her phone, he handed it to her only for her to answer it afterwards. "Serena speaking."

"Hello, this is Elliot elementary's principal Gerard. I apologize for calling you so late. I've been on calls all day today and haven't had the time to call you."

"That's fine, how can I assist you sir?"

"I've been looking at your resume and I have to say that it is rather impressive that you've been going to college and working at the same time. That's not an easy feat to do-but sadly, I have already filled the position that I need to. So you will not be needed."

"Very well then, thank you for the call have a good evening sir." Serena said before she hung up the call and she placed her phone off to the side "So...Aster about that secretary job you had talked to me about before?"

Aster laughed hearing her tone, he then kissed her on the lips once more. "We'll talk more tomorrow, for now let's rest. I'm look forward to spending so much time with you for the next few days."

"Okay Aster. I love you very much...you know that right?"

"I do, and I'm glad that I'm the first man to have ever loved you as I am. I adore the hell out of you and that'll never ever change." Aster said as he pulled her into his arms as he lied back down once more placing as light blanket over both of them

As they slept, Aster was rather content in having her in his arms as Serena enjoyed the cuddles and felt safe within his arms knowing that he'd always protect her from anything and everything possible out there that'd ever hurt her in any way shape or fashion.

[Complete]book one:Don't Forget [Yu-gi-oh GX Love story] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now