Chapter 2

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As the bumpy track beneath each fraying tire rumbled quietly and rocked the car like a baby in desperation, Chester could not rid himself of that feeling in his chest.
It was the pounding of his heart against his chest.
He wasn't sure why, he was breathing deeply in and out, and it had been 5 minutes since he nearly tripped down the stairs, so why was he still getting this feeling?
Was it the fact that it was purely his carelessness?
Perhaps it was the embarrassment of being seen as a defenceless "damsel" in front of Parker.
He often felt this feeling, and it could not reflect a healthy relationship.
He was far from understanding why he constantly felt beneath Parker, as Parker never did anything to trigger a reaction like that.
He constantly wanted to look good for Parker- he, of course, could be himself in front of him, but it came with the fear of disgusting him or not being enjoyable enough for Parker.
Whatever it was, it was probably completely irrelevant to the actual situation.
He scratched his left eye with the outside of his thumb, scraping away that dreaded feeling that had been overwhelming him for the majority of the drive as of now.
He dragged his eyes towards the man driving.
His sunken eyes were deep in concentration, narrowed to focus on the white lines that lay across the road.
"It's dark, isn't it. Should we not have waited until the morning?"
"Why? It's fine as it is" in that moment, Chester was unsure with how to proceed the conversation, so instead he cupped the camera with the stand that sat on the AC.
"Should I turn it on?"
"Yeah sure, why not." Parker relaxed slightly, conscious that he had to be more open for the audience to provide better entertainment for his viewers.
Parker coughed at the back of his throat, turned to Chester and nodded.
That was his queue to turn on the recording.
The glare of the red light pierced the dusky, hushed lighting that filled the van.
"Alright guys, so we're on our way to Jennifer's home. It's quite far up north from where we are, so we may have to stop for gas on the way there-"
"What? No way! It's creepy out, I'm not going to some sketchy place in the middle of nowhere" Chester interrupted without a single doubt in his mind.
"What, and you'd rather us get stuck out here? We might make it without doing that anyways."
"Fine. But if we stop, I'm not getting out the car."
"Fine." Parker huffed, turning back to face the road.
The car had gradually started going up a road, which, unbeknownst to Chester who had his headphones in and was on the brink of falling asleep, was entwined across a steep mountain.

The rusting rail that surrounded it was the only thing keeping the both of them from spinning over the edge, and Chester being a paranoid person would not be too fond of that.
However, apparently they were only 10 minutes away from their destination according to the GPS.

Chester's eyelid flickered at the scorching headlights from the oncoming truck on the other side of the road. Chester groaned quietly as he sat up, causing Parker to turn to face him for a moment.
"Hey man, we're nearly here" Parker muttered, his voice scratching at his throat from the lack of water.
"Oh, alright." Chester returned, nested the nape of his neck on the car seat, beside the headrest.

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