Chapter 2

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Chester strained to open his eyes, glued together with peaceful rest.
He squinted tightly, edging his head towards Parker, only to see him in the exact same position as when he went to sleep, except this time he was wearing his glasses; this sparked a thought in Chester's mind- he was often unsure why he wore his glasses. He had very minor myopia, and had a very minor prescription.

"Parker?" Chester croaked.
Parker nodded, keeping his concentration in tact.
"How come you're wearing your glasses?"
Parker shot him a look of disbelief.
"What do you mean, man? I need them to see."
"Are you sure you aren't wearing them for Jennifer, dude?" Parker scoffed at the comment. "What?"
"Well, I'm wearing my glasses cause I have short-sightedness. Why do you wear your sunglasses all the time?"
"Hey, I don't know why you're having a go at me, man."
"Because you started- look, never mind."
Parker shook his head abruptly, so Chester retreated.
He had that recurring feeling of disappointment nestled in his stomach that he always felt whilst recording videos, as a fight would arise somewhere, usually on the topic of the woman who had emailed them.
Speaking on that topic, as their car crept up the path towards the house, a bump on the road caused Chester's head bounce against the car wall, startling him.
"We're here" Parker whispered, nudging his friends shoulder gently. Instinctively, Chester reached over and tugged against Parker's sweater.
Parker had no idea what Chester was doing other than the fact that he was half-conscious in doing so. "C'mon, Chester, let's go"
Chester's eyes slowly widened more, the gentle tone in Parker's voice provided a sense of warmth around him, similar to a thick, fur lined blanket for his soul.
Chester sat up properly, and adjusted his hair in the car mirror. He fluffed it up to fit the constant style he usually wore in videos.
He hadn't noticed how repetitive these videos could be.
The same thing, over and over again.
The same persona. But was it really him? I guess it had to be. It seemed to be what Parker enjoyed.
Was it truly that case, though?

Are you finally happy? - Chester x ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now