Chapter 1

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The middle light above the kitchen table flickered slightly, as the narrow amount of moonlight slipped through the blinds which pointed towards the ground. The time must have been gone 10 O'clock, which is when the two roommates who inhabited the house were most active. One was a short, scrawnier male with shaggy sand-coloured hair with piercing ocean eyes. The other was a taller, more sunken-eyed man with curly black hair which shone almost purple in the light. This would definitely not be evident tonight.

The shorter one approached the other, who sat at the marble-table with his eyes glued to the screen in front of him.
"Hey Chester" he said, looking up slowly from the light, which presented a notification detailing the amount of unread emails.
"all that blue-light is bad for your eyes, Parker" Chester responded. He scratched the chair across the floor as he pulled it out. There were slight greying lines across the wooden floor which showed the amount of times Chester had sat in that exact place on the right of Parker, going through emails for their upcoming video.

"Found any yet, dude?" By this point, Chester had settled beside Parker, and was also sucked into the luring light of the laptops glaring colours.

"No, not yet" Parker returned with a slow sigh, clicking the buttons across his keyboard profusely through the emails.
He had been hunting for new YouTube content for the majority of the night, scouting through the messages he received from those who required the duos assistance.
One, in particular, had just caught Parker's attention- Chester noticed the eager twinkle in his eye.
"What?" He asked, coming closer and resting his head on his palm, with his knee balancing on the table.
"Oh, this one girl..."
"It's always a girl, isn't it Parker?"
Parker turned his head slightly towards Chester.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Sorry, bro, I didn't mean to offend you, it's just- you always seem to go after hot girls, and like, why not help someone with a more serious problem, like look at this one-"
He tries to move his hand over to the mouse but Parker grabs his wrist. Chester, at that moment, couldn't identify whether Parker was offended or infuriated.
"Look, man, I think she could have a genuine issue, so just- lay off it."
Chester decided retreating from the conversation was the best way from preventing an argument, like last time. He noticed how much of a touchy subject Women were to Parker. He had always struggled finding a partner, as he struggles to open up easily. But Chester found comfort knowing he was one of those Parker could trust easily.

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