Chapter 2

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When she said hello, Parker turned to Chester with a flustered laugh under his breath. Chester saw his face almost completely change colours, from the tanned face with the red and dark eye bags to more pale and even turning pink in his cheeks. He coughed to himself and leaned against the doorframe, as Jennifer opened the door wider. Parker's eyes spun towards Chester, who shrugged, knowing full well why Parker had completely changed his mannerisms. At home, Chester had registered Parker as calm, introverted and quite self conscious, but when Parker saw someone he found attractive he grew to become a more confident and outgoing kind of guy. And he hadn't noticed how it had not worked yet in the past.
Chester wanted to offer him advice, but for a number of reasons he avoided it. For one, Parker would say that it'll work and we should just wait for the right person. Or there was the fact that Chester felt these women were never right for Parker- never good enough, caring enough. He even considered himself better as a friend than any of these women.
There was Alison, who cheated on Parker and he still apologised. The man she cheated on Parker with was a low-life drug addict from Vegas, so when she got pregnant he ran. She tried to beg Parker for forgiveness, and help, but Chester was the one who persuaded him to say "no".
For some reason, Parker always struggled saying "no" to women he's involved with.
But he's fine saying no to Chester.
Or there was Taylor, who he met on a dating sight, who turned out to be a guy looking for "cash on the side."
And Parker never realised how strange it was that "Taylor" (actually named Tyler) never agreed to a FaceTime. Or how his car was always getting towed or stuck on the side of the road and how he needed money almost every other week or so of the 3 months they spoke.
And, of course, there was Lily. She was very manipulative. Parker never likes bringing her up, because he doesn't care to admit how much she scarred him. He has never truly been the same since, he has become so much more cowardly within himself. And that completely contradicts the strong persona he begs to keep in touch with.

Chester always wanted Parker to find someone right. And yet, he's still not had a long term relationship since Jesse. And that must have been 4 or 5 years ago by now. Chester always thought about the fact that Parker should open his eyes and he'll find her.
That always stuck within him. And he never truly understood why.
A lot of things stuck with over the years of knowing Parker, and he never knew why.

Jennifer had a twinkle in her eye, which seemed to swirl Parker under a strange trance, but behind that Chester could see an untrustworthy glaze.

"Would you like to come in, boys" she asked, ushering them inside the door and slamming it shut, causing Chester to be startled. Parker cupped his left hand on his shoulder to calm his nerves, and Chester had not understood why it helped relieve him so strongly. As if all the weight of his nerves when meeting her that dug into his shoulders had fluttered away in a flurry of butterflies. As they approached the wooden arch that separated the kitchen from the hallway, Parker tried to walk in front of Chester to reach Jennifer- which Chester had not appreciated.
"Nice place" Parker began, admiring the fresh wallpaper that coated the walls in a garish mustard yellow.
"Yeah, I just got it repainted. Thought I'd treat myself after all the shit that's been happening."
Chester's camera made a sudden noise, to which Jennifer flashed him a look.
"Uh, can you please try not to curse on camera? It's a pain to edits later and we-"
She curled her thin grey lips into a tortured smile, riddled with insincerity.
Chester felt the lash of her tongue as it clicked the back of her mouth.
Perhaps he was overthinking it greatly. But he felt as if he'd offended her. Perhaps embarrassed her. But it's better to act oblivious than to "prod the bear" as Parker often said.

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