Chapter 1

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After spending what felt like several hours longer than usual filming, Chester sat in his room scrolling through his for you page.
Parker walked in absentmindedly, before his heavy eyes looked up towards his friend, who was sprawled comfortably upon his bed.
"Hey, dude.." he trailed off.
"You alright?"
"Yeah.. I forgot what I came in here for."
Parker tightened his eyes as he scanned over the room to see if it could trigger his memory, but nothing clicked. As he was about to leave, he heard a small noise from behind him. As he turned, he saw Chester's eyes resting on his, with a small yearn hidden in the glaze that shadowed them.
"Parker?" He had said.
"Yeah?" Parker was not irritated, per se, but he was definitely not in the mood for a late-night-conversation that Chester often preferred.
Chester was nearly an insomniac, he struggled sleeping at night without the comfort of someone beside him. That was along the lines of what he wanted to confide with Parker in.
"I ending things with that girl... from a week ago."
"Oh yeah? How'd that go? How come?"
Chester's head hung down towards his lap, as he had positioned himself sitting up. He was less comfortable lying down like that in front of Parker. He wasn't sure why.
"Yeah, alright."
"Alright" Chester titled his chin upwards, reflecting the delicacy in his emotions.
"Ok.." Parker was rocking slowly back and forth awkwardly, unsure what to say to not damage Chester.
He had been in this exact position many times in the past, and it's a memory he'd not enjoy reliving.
"Are you ok?" He muttered, worrying what he said might trigger a defensive attack against him.
"Yeah, yeah.. I'm-I'm fine" he shrugged it off, chuckling awkwardly. He had been struggling with keeping up his eye contact with Parker for the majority of this, so after pressuring himself to guide his sight to connect with Parker's he couldn't help but chuckle again. It made Parker smile, especially since he had no idea what else to do.
"How is the editing going?" Chester continued, trying to divert the conversation.
"Fine, I'm on the last quarter-ish. But I'm gonna head to bed now, so I'll see you in the morning, dude."
"See you."
Parker was about to spin around on his heel, before he remembered what he came to say.
"Oh, I just remembered! Make sure to get to sleep, yeah? We gotta get up early to go to Jennifer's tomorrow, dude."
Chester enjoyed the intoxicating feeling he got when Parker tried to take care of him. He always brushed it off with "I know, I know" or another response that presented him as if he didn't care, but deep down he appreciated it; it was different, it contrasted to the distant character he often played out to be. But, as per usual, he continued to respond as he always did.
"I know. Don't worry."
And with that, Parker took it as his queue to leave.
Chester picked his phone up again, after having placed it on his pillow when Parker entered, and continued scrolling- despite the fact that it was late and he knew the blue light would affect his sleep.
But why should he care.
He could barely fall asleep as it is.

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