Chapter 1

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Chester's lanky body was struggling to balance the tripod in the middle of the foyer of their house, as Parker was going over the small script he'd made for himself. Each flick of the greying page tickled Chester's mind.
"How does this sound, dude." Parker's crackling voice from the kitchen prickled at Chester's ears.
"What?" Chester shifted his view from the camera to Parker, keeping a firm grip on the pole so it wouldn't collapse.
Parker strutted over to the area Chester was in with pride, beaming at the sight of his recently finished work.
"I start with the usual intro, thanking our subscribers for reaching our goal, and continue with-" Parker coughed in his throat slightly as if he were about to present a news headline. "We received an email from a 21 year old girl called Jennifer, who has informed us of mysterious disappearances in her area and how she's worried about the animal noises that have been surrounding her house. She sent us this video for proof." The voice suddenly snapped away "and then show the video. And from there we'll continue the regular stuff."

Chester heard a small sigh emerge from Parker's lips in that moment, and slightly titled his head.
"What's up?"
"Huh? Oh, nothing. It's just.. the same old stuff. Again"
"Oh.. I think it's fine. Don't you?"
"Yeah, it's fine."
Once he had said this, it somewhat threw Chester off of his game, and he accidentally released the right grip on the tripod, and the camera lost its balance.

In a sudden act of reflex, Parker dashed underneath it to grab the camera.
"Some Cameraman, you gotta be careful with this kinda stuff, dude!"
"Sorry" Chester was hurt more so than usual at his words, but chose to ignore it, so they could continue production as per usual. Which seemed to be what Parker had lost interest from, but no one knew enough about what he was going through to determine everything.
Which Chester definitely was not used to.

Are you finally happy? - Chester x ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now