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When Serena had gotten to her brothers place she knocked on the door only for him to give her a small smile seeing her. "Hey Rena, you didn't take long to get here. How much things do you have?"

"A bit...I'm going to need help with getting things out of my car. It's very much Tetris inside my car." Serena said scratching the side of her face sheepishly

Her brother let out a sigh "Oh boy...Alright hold on, let me get my kids out of the way then I'll help ya."

"Thanks Milo, I'll just open my trunk and get ready to move things in."

Milo opened the door more and he went to get his kids away from the door, once the kids were out of the way he started to help his sister out with moving everything into the apartment. They worked together and got all of her things into the empty room. Once her car was empty she looked at Milo. "That's trip one, I need to get the last bit of my things."

"Go on and do what you gotta do. We'll talk when you get back."

"Alright, thank you so much for helping me out. I greatly appreciate it bro."

"I know how hard mother was on you, so I'm more than happy to have you here."

Serena then left out and went to get the last few things that were left in the apartment that was hers. When she came back Jaden and Jesse were eating pizza while sitting on the island, she ignored them as she took a few trips to get the last few things out of the room she once occupied that were hers. When she finished she took off of her key ring her copy of the key and she slammed it on the Table. 

"I hope to fuck that I never see the both of you ever again, you two are fucking horrible and I hope you two realize what you've been doing to me. We are no longer friends, I have already deleted and blocked your contacts and everything revolving the two of you on social media. This is what you two get for screwing me over. I'm not a fuckin' maid to the two of you! once everything is off you two will have to place everything in your names and explain to the landlord why you two haven't been paying the rent here. Cause I'm done. Done with this place, done with the two of you, done working two jobs because you two can't pay one simple damn bill and rent! Good bye and never find me ever again." Serena said angered and hatefully before she left out without another word

Once she was gone Jaden frowned as he realized he had fucked over his own childhood friend, he never meant for things to get so bad, he didn't think it was so bad. But maybe he was the one being over dramatic-not her. He quickly got up and he went out to see Serena was securing everything in her car. "Serena...please wait." Jaden said sadly

"Why?" She asked unamused

"I know Jess and I have fucked up, I know that we used you and made you feel overly stressed out...but we didn't think you were actually serious about us paying things. We've never done anything like that before."

"There's a first for everything, now I don't have time for useless conversations. I need to get the rest of my things to my new home-eat then try to sleep before my morning shift at the restaurant. Which I will be telling the manager and owner about what the two of you have been doing." She said seriously before she left out

Jaden frowned as he watched her leave, his frown turned into him being in tears. "Don't leave me Rena....Please."

When Serena got to her brothers place, she finished placing her things in the room before she went to talk to him and his girlfriend. "You wanted to talk to me bro what about?"

"Yeah...uhm...looks like Nala doesn't think that it was a good choice on my part to have you be here." Milosaid with a sigh

Serena looked at the raven haired female unamused. "You are a stay at home bitch that dropped out of middle school. You have no damn fuckin' right to tell my brother who did graduate out of high school what is good and what isn't good for him to do. I am going to college and work two fuckin' jobs which is more than you've ever done in your lazy ass life. Save me your shit bitch. I don't give two shits what you think about me being here. Family sticks together and Milo just so happens to be the only family member with the brain enough to help me out of a toxic situation. So just shut the fuck up and let the man of the house make the choices cause let me tell you this. I will not be allowing you to control my big brother! You are  younger than both of us and you will respect your elders!" She hissed out coldly 

Milo looked at Serena stunned. "Shit sis."

Nala got up and went to slap Serena only for Serena to grab her hand and grab her by her throat dropping her to the ground and kicked her in the gut. "Touch me with your whore ass hands and I will call the police on you for trying to kill me. You wouldn't last a day in a damn prison cell so try me bitch!" Serena said coldly 

Serena then looked at her brother. "I'm going to the room and I'm going to settle what I can. Tomorrow we can talk about splitting the bills and how to go about doing rent as well. I will do what I can to help you out so you aren't stressed out about everything."

"Thank you Serena, I know you'll pitch in unlike some people. Just rest up and if you need to eat there is left over stuffed crust pepperoni pizza in the fridge top shelf."

"Ooohhh stuffed crust! Hell yeah I haven't eaten since this morning before having my college courses." 

"Bitch go and eat before you end up starving yourself." Milo said motioning her out of the room

Serena nodded her head and she waddled her way to the fridge and heated up the pizza as she heard her brother arguing with Nala, she ignored it as she sat down at the small table eating the pizza contently. Once she finished she took care of the dish so there was no evidence that she was in the kitchen. 

[Complete]book one:Don't Forget [Yu-gi-oh GX Love story] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now