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chapter one: too young to be singing the blues

Iris and James first got together in the summer of 1983. That meant they had almost ten years together by the time they separated in the fall of 1991.

She was cold and isolated when they first met. James didn't let that stop him, and once he heard of her past struggles, he knew why she was so closed off in the first place.

James was determined to show her that he wasn't like everyone else. That he wouldn't dare to try and hurt or leave her. He just wanted to be the friend she so desperately wanted.

Of course, their "friendship" had turned into something more, something deeper. And Iris would be lying if she said she wasn't grateful for someone like him. 

A lot of things had changed in between that time. There was loss, heartbreak, success, and even some lineup changes, all wrapped into one. A time that felt so endless, yet so freeing.

By the time 1991 rolled around, the band had reached their 10th anniversary together. With the release of their new album, they were suddenly put in the spotlight everywhere.

James swore to Iris that he would never let the fame and the money get to his head, but that didn't mean he was going to stay true to his word.

That was what ultimately led to their current situation. The downside of the fame and fortune was that James didn't worry about Iris anymore. Didn't care. Forgot about her completely.

She was no longer his love, barely a friend. A stranger. 

Iris knew that he was going to change, but he transformed into a different person entirely. She remained by his side, but it was only a matter of time before things would start to crumble. 

Iris watched from the backstage area as he and the band prepared to put on another show tonight, a worried and tense expression on her face.

What was going to come after were lies, heartbreak, and a difficult decision. 

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