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chapter seven: crawling in the dark

A knock came at Iris's front door again, catching her by surprise. It was early in the morning, and she was hoping her weekend wasn't going to be disturbed by anyone. 

As she walked over to look through the peephole, her eyes widened. This man was at her door again, as if he hadn't learned his lesson the night before on why she didn't want to see him. 

He kept knocking and there was no way she was going to be able to avoid seeing him. Even if she pretended she wasn't home, he would probably leave and come back later in the day.

Iris was almost horrified that he showed up again. She couldn't call him a stalker because, well, he wasn't really acting like one. But she knew he wasn't going to leave her alone anytime soon.

He knocked once more, which caused Iris to finally open the door. "What is it now? Why are you here again?" She asked, preparing herself for a repeat of last night. 

"Look, I'm sorry for continuing to bother you, but I just need you to hear me out." James vented, expecting her to close the door in his face before he could finish.

"How do I know you're not lying? Or just saying that to make me feel better?" Iris asks, narrowing her eyes at him. The only reason why she was willing to give in was so that he could stop begging. 

James sighed, understanding where she was coming from. "I can show you I'm not the same way I used to be all those years ago."

Iris scoffed, laughing bitterly. "Yeah, you've probably gotten worse." She crossed her arms, her tone coming out colder than she wanted it to.

"You know what," James thought it over for a minute. "Maybe I have, but I'm willing to fix that for you." He looked her straight in the eye. 

A silence fell over them once he said that. His voice was sincere, he didn't want her to think he was lying. He needed her trust back more than anything, and that was difficult enough. 

"You have to give me some time to think about this, okay?" Iris sighed, her voice softer. The only reason why she was willing to give in was so that he could stop coming around and begging.

James nodded, understanding her terms. "If you still don't want to give me a chance, fine. But I haven't been in a good place know." His voice trailed off at the end.

She felt a pang in her heart, starting to fall for his charm all over again. It was so hard to say no to him, especially given their history. A part of her still cared deeply for him, despite the hurt.

"Fine," Iris sighs. "But don't think we're getting back together or anything." She said, opening the door wider for him to come inside for a bit. 

Iris and James sat in the living room together, the air thick with tension. Neither person knew what to say to the other and didn't want to say anything for that matter.

James's eyes wandered around the apartment, most of it remaining the same since the last time he was there. A few things were different, but nothing obvious.

Even though he was sitting just a few feet away from her, Iris was still keeping her guard up. She was highly suspicious of his intentions.

Iris swallowed hard, looking down at her feet. "So how have things been?" She asked, her voice less guarded this time. 

"Things are fine," James responded. Seven years had kept them apart. That was enough time for people to start families and get married. "How about you?"

Iris shrugged. "Things are alright." She responded, not sure what else to say. Nothing that had happened within that time was his business, she didn't trust him with that information.

That was how the rest of the day had gone. When they weren't talking, an awkward silence filled the room along with the occasional glances at each other. They were like strangers. 

Even though things were quiet and tense, neither person wanted to excuse themselves from the room. After being lonely and apart for so long, maybe they secretly needed the company.

James wished that she wasn't so distant, but he brought them to this point in the first place. He just wanted things to go back to the way they were in the snap of a finger.

"Are you hungry?" Iris asked at some point, catching herself by surprise. Sure she didn't trust him, but the care she had for him was still there.

James nodded. "Yeah, I could use something to eat." He replied quietly, unsure if Iris was going to offer something for him.

Iris headed into the kitchen and made some pasta for them, something quick and easy. James didn't bother her, keeping his gaze on the TV show that had been playing. 

Eventually, she came around with a plate and held it out to him. James mumbled a 'thank you' under his breath, which Iris acknowledged with a slight smile. 

James missed being with Iris like this. Granted, they wouldn't be as far apart as they were right now, but even being back in the apartment with her was enough for him.

Once they were finished eating, James decided he would call it a night. "Well, I guess I'll just head out for the night..." He said before heading to the door.

Iris looked over, a bit disheartened to hear that, but knowing she couldn't have him stay forever. "Okay. It was nice seeing you again." She told him.

He stopped before he opened the door to leave, turning back to face her as if it would be the last time. "It was nice seeing you too Iris," He responded. "Bye." He said before heading out.

"Bye." She replies, watching as he opens the door and leaves, still unsure of how to feel with him back in her life. 

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