thirty five

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chapter thirty five: hospital stays

In the days after, Iris was asleep for most of the time. She was resting up after the amount of energy she had put into bringing their daughter into the world.

Her and James always fought on it. Every time he insisted she get some sleep, she refused until she saw that everything was fine with her. Just motherly instinct.

Since she was resting most of the time, James was the one who was looking after the baby, making sure she was snug and safe in her tiny cot.

Every time he looked over to check on her, he couldn't believe his eyes at the sight below him. His little baby, so innocent and sweet. It made his heart melt.

They ultimately decided to name her Star, something that was going to uniquely be hers. She was like their own little star, shining so bright in their lives.

Her name held some significance to their relationship. She had no idea just how much she was about to change the trajectory of their lives for good.

For that reason, he felt overprotective of Star, even more so now that he and Iris had formed this new family. It was clear she would become their everything.

She was only a couple of days old, and yet, James couldn't step away from her side even for five seconds. A perfect little angel, swaddled up in a small little blanket.

He was so attached to her, his heart swelling with love every time he saw her cute little face. He loved how tiny she was in his arms, like a little doll.

She captured his heart so easily, and she didn't even know it. Just one look with her wide curious eyes had him wrapped around her tiny little finger.

He couldn't wait to take him and Iris home so he could see both of his girls together, and he couldn't wait to show her off to everyone he knew.

Whenever James heard small cooing coming from her little cot, he was always there within seconds, watching her to make sure she was okay.

He heard her small noises and crept over to the small cot to check on her, he noticed her eyes were open and unfocused, seemingly taking in the world around her.

James gently reached in and tucked his arms underneath her, holding her in his arms. He looked down at her, smiling.

Now his fears about becoming a father were even more heightened by the fact that she was physically there. She was just a little baby, defenseless and innocent to this world. 

He knew he had to not only be there for Iris but be there for Star as well. He was overwhelmed with so much love and devotion for them both, it was overwhelming.

He wanted to shield her from everything bad in the world, shield her from the spotlight she would inevitably get thrown into.

"I promise to keep you safe, make you laugh, and love you no matter what," He cooed, rubbing her cheek gently with his index finger. "You're my baby." He whispered, tears building in his eyes.

Just as he kept whispering to her, Iris finally began to stir awake for the first time in days, finally managing to get some much-needed rest after such an intense moment.

The beeping of the machines next to her signified she was still in the hospital room, to her disappointment. She hated being in the hospital, even if it meant her and the baby's health.

Her eyes drifted down to see James near the small cot that their baby was placed in, watching as he cradled her and gently spoke to her.

"I'm gonna make sure you have the best daddy ever," He continued to whisper to her, even if she didn't understand a word of it. "Your mama might not like it, but I'm gonna spoil you so bad."

Iris couldn't help but laugh at that last part, causing him to turn around with a slight smirk on his face. He looked down at the baby before walking over.

"Looks like mommy is awake now, sweetie." He cooed to her before coming to Iris's side and handing Star over to her gently.

"Wow, you look so much like your daddy." Iris laughed as she held the baby close to her again. It was the first time since she gave birth that she managed to hold her again.

"She's the sweetest little thing." He replied, looking down at her with a dream-like gaze. He still couldn't believe that she was there now, unaware of how she was about to change their lives.

She smiled down at the baby, who was cooing and continuing to look around with her wide eyes. Iris couldn't help but laugh, loving how adorable she was.

"She's the best thing that ever happened to us, huh?" Iris looked at James this time, her voice gentle and loving. 

"Yeah," He leaned over to kiss her on the forehead before doing the same with Star. "You two are the best thing to ever happen to me."

rushed chapter, i apologize :/

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