Chapter 11

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"Caleb, I need your assistance in conducting background checks on all the Mafia families, including the Marcellis. Specifically, I want details on their living and deceased relatives, as well as their businesses. You and Rayan can divide the workload however you see fit. I need the report by the end of this week, so you have three days to complete it. Any questions?" Cassandra's tone was businesslike as she opened her laptop, preparing to delve into work.

"No questions, Cassandra, but I believe we should also focus on the Russian families," Rayan suggested, prompting a nod of agreement from Cassandra.

"Yes, we must. I'll handle it personally. We need to identify who's responsible," Cassandra replied, her attention returning to her laptop.

"Cassandra, it's not just a matter of who's responsible," Caleb interjected hesitantly, catching her attention.

"What is it?" she asked, closing her laptop to give him her full focus.

"After last night's incident, I conducted a background check and found something concerning," Caleb explained, his expression uneasy.

"Go on," Cassandra urged, her demeanor serious.

"Five Russian Mafia families have entered Italy. The Volkov Family, the Alexeyev Family, Ivanov, Petrov, and Voronin Families," Caleb revealed, displaying CCTV footage on his tablet.

Cassandra's eyes widened in shock. "Already? Without our knowledge, in our territory?"

Anger simmered beneath the surface. "Keep a close watch on them," she instructed Caleb, returning his tablet.

"And Cassandra, you're aware of their reputation, right? They're the most dangerous Russian families," Caleb added, concern evident in his voice.

"Yes, I'm aware. I need more intel on them. Caleb, you're on it. Rayan, can you handle the background checks on our Mafia families? We can't afford to take any risks and call your father. We need to have a discussion," Cassandra directed, her tone decisive.

Caleb immediately sprang into action, ready to delve into the task at hand.

"I'll call him," Rayan said, pulling out his phone. Before he could leave, his gaze lingered on Cassandra for a few minutes.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched in his face.

"For the time being, yes," she replied as she opened her laptop again, a signal for Rayan to leave.

"Alright," he said, exiting the room.

As soon as Rayan left, Cassandra's fear resurfaced. The events of that night flashed before her eyes, and she felt her breath catching in her throat.

She forced herself to push aside her emotions and focus on the task at hand. Opening her laptop once more, she delved into the mountain of work ahead, determined to gather as much information as possible about the new threat looming on the horizon.

As she sifted through data and reports, Cassandra couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of her mind. The sudden reappearance of the Russian families had thrown them all into a state of uncertainty, and Cassandra knew they needed to act swiftly and decisively to protect their interests.

Hours passed in a blur as Cassandra immersed herself in her work, her mind racing with thoughts of strategy and contingency plans. She couldn't afford to let fear paralyze her-there was too much at stake. With each passing moment, she grew more resolved to confront the challenge head-on and ensure the safety of her family and their business empire.

After working continuously for hours, she finally got up from her chair to stretch a bit. Walking towards her window, she stared at the outskirts of the city. The breathtaking view momentarily calmed her, but the tranquility was short-lived as a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in," Cassandra said, hoping it would be either Caleb or Rayan. However, when she turned around to see who it was, she was in pure shock.

Standing in the doorway was a figure she never expected to see. Not this soon.


Author's Note

Hello loves!!

First of all, I have some amazing news, as you guys know, Cassandra de Ville has won a few awards over the past few days. I'm really thrilled and very happy for the recognitions, and I hope you all will remain by my side until the book is over.

Thank you! Your support means a world to me. I will post all the awards won by my book in a page named Awards, where you can check it out. Even if I don't have stickers for some of the awards yet, I'll still make sure to share them with you and add the stickers later.

Alright enough chatter, how's the chapter? All good? Any guesses about the mysterious figure?

Stay tuned for more updates as the story unfolds!


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