Chapter 8

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At Cosimo's command, the servants swiftly brought in the food, filling the room with tantalizing aromas and setting the stage for a hearty meal.

As they indulged in the delicious fare, the conversation flowed effortlessly, touching upon various topics ranging from family matters to future plans.

Matteo and Cosimo reminisced about their bachelor days, playfully teasing their wives about the freedom they once enjoyed before marriage and contrasting it with their current responsibilities. In response, the women jokingly mentioned finding other mafia leaders attractive, much to their husbands' amusement.

Meanwhile, the heirs engaged in lively discussions on a range of topics, from favorite movie genres to upcoming WWE matches.

Natalia quizzed Cassandra about her preferred movie genre, with Cassandra expressing a fondness for dark romances with plot twists. Natalia agreed, sharing the same preference, and they exchanged a knowing smirk.

As they conversed, Dominic, Tomasso, and Rayan delved into discussions about WWE and F1 games, placing friendly bets on upcoming matches. Massimo listened attentively but remained silent, absorbing the conversation without interjecting.

Amidst the cheerful chatter, Antonella turned her attention to Cassandra, her warm smile betraying genuine interest.

"And how is Fleur, my dear? I remember she used to accompany you everywhere. Is she still studying abroad?" she inquired, her tone brimming with maternal concern.

Cassandra's eyes lit up at the mention of her sister. "Yes, she's thriving in Paris, fully engrossed in her studies," she replied proudly, a hint of nostalgia coloring her voice.

"That's nice. What is she studying, if I may ask?" Antonella inquired further.

"She's following a course in fashion designing," Cassandra answered while eating.

Antonella's gaze turned thoughtful as she shifted her focus to Cassandra.

"And what about you, Cassandra? Any special someone in your life?" she asked playfully, her eyes glinting mischievously.

Beside Cassandra, Massimo tensed imperceptibly, their legs brushing against each other under the table, sending a subtle yet electrifying sensation through her. Caught off guard by Antonella's question, Cassandra hesitated momentarily before offering a vague reply.

"Not at the moment, Aunt Antonella. I have other priorities to focus on," she answered, her gaze flickering briefly to Massimo before continuing to eat.

Antonella's smile widened knowingly, but before she could delve deeper into the topic, Cosimo intervened, steering the conversation towards safer ground.

As they continued to enjoy their meal, Cassandra couldn't shake the lingering sensation of Massimo's touch or the weight of Antonella's inquiry. Something stirred beneath the surface, igniting a palpable tension between her and Massimo.

Eventually, as the meal drew to a close, Cosimo cleared his throat, signaling the end of the leisurely repast. "It's time we adjourn to the next room to discuss recent events," he declared, his tone carrying a sense of urgency.

With that, they all rose from the table, their minds now focused on the pressing matters that awaited them in the next room.



Sorry that the chapter is short, but I'm promising you guys that the next chapter is going to be intense (Hehe).

So, I'm just going to answer some questions which many readers have asked and hope this helps.

1. Are Cassandra and Massimo cousins?

No, they are not. They aren't cousins, they are just family friends. Cassandra addresses Cosimo and Antonella as uncle and aunt as they are very close to the family and have helped them in many occasions such as when their parents died. Simply, they aren't blood related, and Cosimo was the best friend of Alejandro.

2. Are Rayan and Cassandra cousins?
No, same answer as the above. They are the second in command family of the de Ville family.

3. Who killed Alejandro, Isabella and Elena?
This will be revealed in the upcoming chapters.

Any more questions? Feel free to ask here--->

Cassandra's outfit

Cassandra's outfit

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Massimo's outfit

Massimo's outfit

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Rayan's outfit

Rayan's outfit

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