Chapter 14

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Cassandra sat at her desk, her mind spinning with the revelation of betrayal within her own organization. She couldn't comprehend why someone from their ranks would want to harm her family. The words "de Villes" and "killed" echoed in her mind, but the rest of the conversation remained a blur of indistinct silhouettes.

Lost in her thoughts, Cassandra was startled when a hand landed on her shoulder. Reacting on instinct, she lashed out, delivering a swift kick before realizing who it was. Roman.

"Shit, I'm sorry," she blurted out, rushing to his side as he struggled to regain his footing.

Roman brushed off her apology with a grimace. "No worries, but my back might be feeling it tomorrow. Still holding a grudge, huh?" he quipped, his annoyance evident.

Rolling her eyes, Cassandra helped him up, watching as he adjusted his coat. It was then that she noticed something familiar on his arm, a symbol that tugged at the edges of her memory. Before she could question him about it, he was already making his exit.

As Roman left, Cassandra fought against the headache forming at the back of her skull. She rummaged through her desk for pain relief, finding a Panadeine and swallowing it with a gulp of warm water. Taking a moment to let the medication take effect, she reflected on Roman's unexpected assistance.

Why was he helping her? They were supposed to be rivals, yet he had intervened on her behalf. It didn't make sense, adding another layer of complexity to an already tangled web of intrigue.

"God, Dad, what kind of mess am I in now?" she muttered to herself, her head throbbing with unanswered questions.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a beep from her phone. It was a message from Rayan, asking where she was. Cassandra replied that she was still in the office, and after a few seconds it beeped again asking if he should pick her up in which she declined his offer to pick her up.

As she stared at the screen, contemplating her next move, Cassandra couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to get a lot more complicated. But she was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost, with that she got up from her seat, locked her office and made her way to the parking lot.

As Cassandra navigated through the parking lot, each car a reminder of her father's legacy and her own responsibilities. Her eyes scanned over the collection, from the vintage Rolls-Royce to the sleek black Porsche that awaited her.

Her mind raced with questions, each turn of the road a fleeting distraction from the turmoil within. The phone rang, and she connected it to the car's Bluetooth, Rayan's voice breaking the silence.

"Cass, where are you?" His concern was palpable, cutting through the static of her thoughts.

"Driving," she replied curtly, her focus on the road ahead.

"Seriously, you asked us to come over and you're late. Is something wrong?" Rayan's worry was evident, and Cassandra felt a pang of guilt at causing him concern.

"No, everything's fine," she assured him, though she knew he wouldn't be entirely convinced.

"Alright, whatever. Waiting until you come, okay?" Rayan's tone softened, and Cassandra ended the call.

After ending the call with Rayan, Cassandra sighed heavily, feeling the weight of the night pressing down on her. She glanced at the radio controls and decided to drown out her thoughts with some music.

Tapping through the stations, she settled on one playing a catchy tune that matched the mood of her tumultuous thoughts. It was "Bad Guy" by Billie Eilish, its edgy beats and defiant lyrics resonating with the turmoil in her mind.

As the song filled the car with its infectious rhythm and rebellious attitude, Cassandra found herself losing track of time, her focus shifting from the road ahead to the bold lyrics pulsating through the speakers. It was a brief respite from the chaos of her reality, a moment of empowerment amidst the uncertainty.

With each pounding beat, Cassandra's determination to uncover the truth only grew stronger. She may be surrounded by shadows and secrets, but she refused to be intimidated by them. As the night stretched on, she drove on, her resolve unyielding, her mind set on one thing: finding answers, no matter the cost.


Hello loves, sorry for not updating earlier. I had a lot of assessments to do in college.

And I should also say that I'm really happy with this book. Has won a few awards for the past few days!

With that said, I know this chapter is short, but I will post a longer chapter next. I love to kind of keep cliffhangers on the end.

Any thoughts?

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