Chapter 15

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After a few minutes, Cassandra found herself humming along to the tune of the song.

 It was one of her favorites, 'Bad Guy' by Billie Eilish. She loved its edgy electropop vibe, which always matched her energy. 

The rain tapped against the window, adding a soothing rhythm to the atmosphere. The dim glow of the streetlights cast long shadows across the room, creating an eerie yet comforting ambiance

Navigating through the rain-soaked streets, Cassandra's headlights illuminated the familiar sight of her driveway, where Matteo's sleek black car stood alongside Rayan's modest sedan and Caleb's rugged SUV. Each vehicle seemed to mirror the diverse personalities of its owner, a testament to the eclectic mix of individuals within Cassandra's inner circle.

After turning off the engine, Cassandra got down from her Porsche and made her way to front door only to it be opened by Rayan who stared at her with concern but before he could say something Cassandra brushed him off saying she's fine and handed her coat over to him, before walking in, only to be greeted by Caterina, who had a similar expression of concern.

As Cassandra entered the living room, she sensed a palpable tension hanging in the air. All those present exchanged uneasy glances, their expressions laden with concern. It was clear that something significant was weighing on their minds, but no one seemed willing to speak up.

"What is it?" Cassandra inquired; her voice edged with a hint of urgency. She shot a pointed look at Rayan, hoping for some clarity, but he remained silent, his expression inscrutable.

Caterina, sensing the tension, stepped forward, her features etched with worry. "Cassandra, umm...," she began hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Cassandra's heart quickened at the gravity in Caterina's tone. "Is something wrong?" she pressed, her gaze shifting from one to another, searching for answers.

The silence stretched on, punctuated only by the distant hum of the city outside. Cassandra felt a knot form in her stomach, a sense of foreboding settling over her like a heavy blanket. It was as if the room held its breath, waiting for the inevitable revelation that would shatter the fragile peace.

With a deep breath, Cassandra braced herself for whatever news they had to deliver. Whatever it was, she knew it would change everything.

"Are you going tell me what's wronggg...," she began again only to be cut off by the long closing of the door. And it felt familiar. It was the same way how Fleur, her younger sister closes the door, and she felt a shift in the air. As if someone one was standing behind her. And before Cassandra could turn, she was knocked off by someone.

For a few minutes Cassandra couldn't quite comprehend what was happening and after a few minutes she heard someone giggling and whoever that person was on top of her.

"Get off me," she said pushing away the person and that's when she saw who it was. It was none other than her younger sister. Fleur. What is she even doing here?

"Ouch Cassy that hurt," she mumbled probably faking and pouting at her.

"What are you even doing here?" Cassandra asked clearly shocked.

"Surprise!!!" she said pushing herself from the ground and throwing her hands around Cassandra's neck.

"I'm officially back," she said hugging Cassandra tightly choking her.

"Okay, fine, you got me," Cassandra admitted rolling her eyes, returning Fleur's hug.

"But seriously, what are you doing here? And why the surprise visit?"

Fleur's grin widened, her excitement palpable. 

"I couldn't stay away any longer. Plus, I missed you like crazy," she confessed, her voice tinged with genuine affection.

Cassandra felt a pang of guilt for not keeping in touch with her sister as much as she should have. Their lives had taken them in different directions, but the bond between them remained unbreakable.

"Well, I'm glad you're back," Cassandra said, returning Fleur's hug with equal fervor. "But next time, maybe give me a heads up before you decide to tackle me to the ground. Cause I won't let you get away with it."

Fleur laughed, the sound light and infectious. 

"Deal," she replied, squeezing Cassandra's hand affectionately.

Cassandra felt a sense of relief wash over her. She thought of the worse what could happen. Whatever weight had been hanging over them seemed to lift in Fleur's presence, replaced by a sense of lightness and joy. But it was for a short period. The sense of lightness quickly vanished as she took in the situation.

If Fleur was here that's means her life also will be in danger. With danger lurking in her own system, she knew she had to do whatever to keep her sister safe and not trust anyone. If they could have killed her parents, killing Fleur would be nothing to them.

Cassandra's thoughts were interrupted by Fleur who threw a glass of cold water at her.

"What the hell Fleur?" she asked.

"Sorry but you weren't responding, so that was the only option," she mumbled examining her nails.

"You know what, you're going back to where you came from," Cassandra said only to hear Fleur protesting about it.

"But I just got back," she said whining.

"Exactly, you're going back now," Cassandra said wiping her face with the towel Caterina gave her.

"I can't. I don't want to," she said which made Cassandra roll her eyes at her.

Cassandra sighed, her patience wearing thin as Fleur protested. She knew she had to be firm, despite the guilt tugging at her heartstrings.

"Fleur, listen to me," Cassandra began, her voice firm but gentle. "I know you want to stay, but it's not safe for you here."

Fleur's expression softened, her defiance giving way to understanding. "But I want to help. I want to be here for you," she insisted, her eyes pleading.

Cassandra shook her head, her resolve unwavering. "I appreciate that, I really do. But this is too dangerous. I can't put you in harm's way. Rayan look into the next flight to Paris, I want you gone by tomorrow night by earliest." With that she went up to her room without a word.

But while going she could hear Fleur arguing with Matteo and Caterina asking to let her stay and they were trying hard to make her understand.

As Cassandra went, she felt bad for Fleur, but it was nothing she could take risk with. This was her sister, her only family left, and she couldn't lose her.


Here's an early update and here comes Fleur!!

What do you guys think?

These are the vehicles in the driveway along with Cassandra's Porsche

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