Chapter 7

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As the sun rose on a new day, Cassandra found herself grappling with the repercussions of the previous night's events. Despite the physical and emotional toll, she remained steadfast in her resolve to protect her family and uphold her responsibilities. With that she rose up from the bed and showered and got ready for the day.

Meanwhile, Rayan wrestled with conflicting emotions as he contemplated the events of the previous night. Concern for Cassandra's well-being weighed heavily on his mind, but he knew they couldn't afford to show weakness in the face of adversity. Determined to support Cassandra in any way he could, he resolved to be there for her, knowing that together they were stronger.

"Ready, Santoro?" Cassandra's voice broke his reverie as he emerged from his room.

" Yes, all set," he replied, taking note of her attire and adjusting his cuff.

As always, she looked stunning, despite the bandage on her forehead and the familiar smirk playing on her lips. He smiled at her at her and then followed her downstairs to the waiting SUV, opening the door for her with a silent gesture.

" What do you think they'll discuss in the meeting? I'd rather not start the day with unnecessary tension. It's not good for the skin," Cassandra remarked, a hint of playfulness in her tone.

"Likely about last night's events and future plans," Rayan replied, his gaze flickering to his phone, his expression tensing with sudden anger.

Cassandra sensed his unease immediately.

"What's wrong? And please, don't tell me everything's fine when it clearly isn't," she pressed, genuine concern evident in her voice.

" It's nothing for you to worry about," Rayan retorted, his frustration evident.

" Fine, whatever," Cassandra conceded, recognizing his reluctance to share further which further fueled her annoyance.

And without a word she turned her attention to her phone, where a notification from Caleb awaited her.

Without hesitation, she clicked it, only to be met with an Instagram post of Madeline in a compromising position.

It was a post of Madeline in a sexy black dress with a man on his knee proposing to her, and the next picture showed them kissing.

The realization of Rayan's heartache weighed heavily on her. Despite Cassandra's warnings, he disregarded them, and now he was paying the price.

Lost in thought as she checked her phone, Cassandra barely noticed as the SUV came to a halt. And Rayan exited the vehicle without uttering a word.

They had arrived at the Marcelli mansion-a vast, ancient structure that resembled more of a palace from Disney. A huge fountain stood in the middle of the garden, and the lands stretched vast.

After adjusting her outfit, Cassandra exited the SUV to be met with an intense stare from Massimo.

He looked like a god, with tattoos running down his chest and arms, adding to his sense of brutality. He was a Mafia Don, after all. His deep brown eyes stared intensely at her, revealing nothing of what was going on inside his head and Cassandra couldn't help but stare back at him, their gaze locked until they were interrupted by Tomasso.

"Sorry to interrupt but father's expecting you to come inside." He said staring at Cassandra who immediately tore her gaze from Massimo and followed Tomasso inside with Rayan behind her.

As soon as she walked in, she was met with the grand interior of the mansion, the opulent decor reflecting the wealth and power of the Marcelli family. The high ceilings and intricate chandeliers added to the sense of grandeur, while the polished marble floors gleamed underfoot. It looked like heaven, and she was mesmerized by it.

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