Chapter 10

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As Cassandra settled into her seat, her thoughts immediately gravitated to one person. 

She couldn't shake the feelings swirling inside her, a confusing mix of attraction and uncertainty. Why did he have to be so good-looking? And why had Antonella asked those probing questions? It felt as though someone had hijacked her thoughts, leaving her fixated on him.

"Cassandra," a voice interrupted her reverie, but she paid it no mind. She sensed someone trying to get her attention, but she remained lost in her thoughts.

"Cassandra," the voice persisted, and suddenly, she felt a cold liquid splashing onto her face. Irritation surged through her, and she glared at the perpetrator.

"What the hell, Rayan?" she demanded, her anger palpable. Rayan merely shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I called your name multiple times, but you were in your own world," he explained casually. "This was my last resort."

Ignoring his explanation, Cassandra brushed away the liquid with a napkin. 

Rayan's question about her thoughts brought her back to reality, albeit reluctantly.

"Nothing much. Just pondering over what Cosimo said," she muttered, wiping her face.

"Hmm, fair enough," Rayan conceded, seemingly unperturbed. But Cassandra wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily.

"So, how's things with Madeline?" she inquired, a mischievous glint in her eye. Rayan tensed visibly, his response laden with falsehood.

"We... um, broke up," he confessed, though his discomfort was evident. Cassandra seized the opportunity to probe further.

"When did this happen?" she pressed, observing his struggle to maintain a composed facade.

"This morning," he replied, his voice strained. Cassandra's surprise was genuine.

"Oh... I see," she murmured, sensing his unease.

Realizing she'd pushed the matter far enough, Cassandra shifted gears, her focus returning to business.

"Okay, Rayan, enough distractions. I need you to run some background checks," she instructed, retrieving her phone.

"On who?" Rayan inquired, to which Cassandra corrected him with a smirk.

"Whom," she teased lightly before getting down to business. 

"I need thorough background checks on all the Mafia families—living and deceased—along with their relatives and businesses. No stone left unturned."

"Got it. Should I include the Marcelli family?" Rayan asked, prompting Cassandra's thoughts to stray momentarily before she refocused.

"Yes, we can't afford any oversights," she replied firmly, emphasizing the importance of their task.

Thirty minutes later, the SUV screeched to a halt outside their fashion design company. As Cassandra stepped inside, she was greeted by Anna, their top employee.

"Good morning, Ms. de Ville," Anna greeted warmly, her gaze lingering on Rayan for a moment before returning to Cassandra.

"Morning, Anna. How are you?" Cassandra reciprocated, handing her coat to Rayan.

"I'm well, thank you," Anna replied, falling into step beside Cassandra as they headed to the elevator.

Once inside, Cassandra held the door for Rayan, who was engrossed in his phone. Anna's subtle admiration didn't escape Cassandra's notice, nor did Rayan's obliviousness to it.

"Rayan," Cassandra called, snapping him out of his reverie momentarily.

"Bring Caleb and meet me in my office. We have matters to discuss," she instructed as they exited the elevator.

Meanwhile, Anna remained inside, her infatuation with Rayan evident. Cassandra struggled to suppress a laugh at the sight, her amusement bubbling just beneath the surface.

"Anna, aren't you coming?" Cassandra asked and seeing Rayan's confused look made her to want to burst out laughing.

"Oh yeah, I'm getting down. See you later Rayan," she mumbled, and he nodded his head at her, and the doors closed after it.

"What?" Anna questioned her face going deep red.

"Nothing," Cassandra said staring at the girl's face knowing what was going inside her head as she headed towards her office room.

"Okay so we have some important things to discuss. Regarding some fashion shows," Anna said as soon as Cassandra settled down.

"Okay, go ahead," Cassandra said motioning for her to continue.

"Alright," Anna began, her enthusiasm evident despite her earlier embarrassment. "We have a major fashion show coming up in Lagos, Portugal next month. It's a high-profile event, and we've been selected to showcase our latest collection on the main stage."

Cassandra nodded; her interest piqued. "That's fantastic news. Have we finalized the designs for the collection?"

"Yes, most of the designs are ready," Anna confirmed, a hint of pride in her voice. "But we still need to make some adjustments based on the latest trends and feedback from our focus groups."

"Understood," Cassandra replied, already mentally planning the next steps. "I'll review the designs personally and provide any necessary feedback. We can't afford any missteps, especially for such a prestigious event."

"Agreed," Anna affirmed, relieved that Cassandra was taking the lead. "In addition to the fashion show, we also have some new collaborations in the pipeline. A few luxury brands have expressed interest in partnering with us for exclusive collections."

Cassandra's interest was piqued further. "That sounds promising. Have we finalized the terms of these collaborations?"

"Not yet," Anna admitted. "But I've been in talks with their representatives, and they seem eager to move forward. I just need your approval on the proposed terms before we proceed."

"Of course," Cassandra assured her. "Send me the details, and I'll review them as soon as possible. We don't want to keep our potential partners waiting."

"Absolutely," Anna agreed, grateful for Cassandra's proactive approach. "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"

Cassandra paused, considering their upcoming projects and any potential challenges they might face.

"I think that covers the main points for now. But let's schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss the finer details of both the fashion show and the collaborations. We need to ensure everything is in place for a successful launch."

"Agreed," Anna echoed, already mentally scheduling the next meeting. "I'll coordinate with the team and send out the invites."

"Perfect," Cassandra said, a sense of satisfaction washing over her, but it was cut short with a knock on the door.

"Come in," Cassandra said, and the door creaked open to reveal Rayan and Caleb. Anna's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as she caught sight of them, a nervous smile flickering across her lips. Without a word, she quickly excused herself, leaving the room with an awkward shuffle, her gaze lingering on Rayan for a moment longer than necessary.

After Anna's hasty exit, the atmosphere in the room shifted slightly, with Cassandra exchanging a knowing glance with Rayan and Caleb.

Cassandra gestured for Rayan and Caleb to take a seat, and they settled in, ready to delve into the business at hand.

"Alright, let's get down to it," Cassandra began, her tone businesslike. "We have some important matters to discuss."


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