Chapter 19

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The next morning, Cassandra's journey to New York was filled with anticipation and unease. The revelations about her mother's past and the potential connections with Nikolai Volkov weighed heavily on her mind. She needed to understand and figure out how to navigate this newfound relationship with the Volkov family.

Upon arriving in New York, Cassandra checked into a discreet hotel, ensuring her presence remained under the radar. She needed this meeting to be private, away from the prying eyes of both allies and enemies. She had arranged to meet Roman at a quiet, upscale restaurant known for its discretion and privacy.

As she entered the restaurant, Cassandra spotted Roman sitting at a corner table. He looked up and gave her a nod, his expression unreadable. She approached him with a sense of purpose, ready to uncover the truths that had been hidden for so long.

"Roman," Cassandra greeted, taking a seat opposite him. "I wasn't sure if you'd come in such a short notice."

"Cassandra," he replied, his voice calm but tinged with curiosity. "Of course I would."

"I need answers," she said bluntly. "You came to me for a reason. What do you know about my mother and your father?"

Roman sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Our parents' past is complicated, to say the least. My father, Nikolai, spoke of your mother with a mix of love and regret. Their relationship was doomed from the start, but it was genuine. They believed they could bridge the divide between our families, but the world they lived in was unforgiving."

Cassandra nodded, absorbing his words. "Matteo told me about their efforts for peace and how it all fell apart. But why come to me now? What do you want?"

Roman's gaze was steady. "I believe we can finish what they started. The world has changed, but the wounds between our families haven't healed. I want to propose an alliance, a true partnership, to bring stability and peace. We have a common enemy in those who thrive on our conflict."

Cassandra considered his proposal. "And why should I trust you? Your family has been our rival for generations."

"Because we both know the cost of this endless feud," Roman replied. "I've lost family, just like you. But I also know that if we continue down this path, there will be nothing left for either of us. I believe our parents had the right idea; they were just ahead of their time. They knew something was going on, and look what happened when they interfered. I'm not talking about the relationship; I'm talking about what happened ten years ago. My parents and your parents were killed on the same day, Cassandra. Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

The sincerity in his voice was hard to ignore. Cassandra could see the weight of his words in his eyes. She took a deep breath, knowing that this decision could change the course of her family's future. But what hit her most was the part where their parents were killed.

"What exactly are you implying?" Cassandra asked, her voice steady but her heart racing.

Roman leaned forward, his expression serious. "I'm saying that there's a bigger picture we're missing. Someone orchestrated their deaths. Someone who feared the alliance they were building. Someone knew they were up to something. It's time we found out who that was and put an end to their influence."

Cassandra felt a chill run down her spine. The idea that their parents' deaths were not just tragic accidents but part of a deliberate plan was both terrifying and galvanizing, something which she had expected to hear after many years of denial that it was a mere accident.

"And you think we can uncover the truth together?" she asked.

Roman nodded. "Yes. But it will require us to work closely, to trust each other despite our histories. I know it won't be easy, but I believe it's the only way to honor their memory and build the future they envisioned."

Cassandra pondered his words. The path he proposed was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but the alternative—continuing the cycle of violence and retribution was equally bleak. She thought of her mother's sacrifices, the hope for peace that had driven her, and realized she couldn't ignore this opportunity.

"Alright," she said finally. "I'm willing to try. But know this: if I sense any betrayal, any hint that you're not being truthful, I won't hesitate to walk away and destroy you."

Roman nodded, a flicker of relief crossing his face. "I understand. And I promise you, my intentions are genuine, Amore mio. Together, we can uncover the truth and build a new path for our families. I also have a feeling that whoever silenced our parents had something to do with what they found out. We need to find out what it is. I have already started digging from my side, Cassandra, and I hope you will as well."

"I will. I just have to figure out where I should start and don't ever call me Amore mio," Cassandra mumbled, which made Roman stare at her. Her beauty was exceptional, and Roman didn't know what he was feeling.... He was confused, and when he heard a snap, he was back to Earth.

"Were you listening?" she asked, clearly annoyed.

"Oh, yes, I was. I will keep you updated on what I find out," Roman said, standing up and buttoning his suit. "See you soon, Cass," he said, and he wanted to add "amore mio" but he couldn't.

"See you too, Roman," Cassandra mumbled, staring at his retreating figure. Her heart was beating rapidly, and she felt an emotion rush up in her. She felt something. A new hope or maybe something more than that.

As Roman walked towards the exit, he couldn't resist turning back one last time to see if Cassandra was watching. He caught her gaze, their eyes locking across the room.

In that brief moment, something unspoken passed between them, a connection neither of them could deny. Cassandra felt her heart skip a beat, realizing that despite the complicated history and dangerous future, there was a spark between them that could not be ignored.

After the she saw him leave, Cassandra hailed a cab and directed the driver to an address she hadn't spoken aloud in over a decade. The drive to her old neighborhood was a surreal journey through memories she had long kept locked away.

As the cityscape of New York whizzed by, she felt a mixture of dread and nostalgia settling over her.

The cab pulled up in front of a stately brownstone. It stood just as she remembered it, a monument to her family's legacy and a tomb of her childhood. Cassandra paid the driver and stepped out, taking a moment to steel herself before walking up the steps.

The key she had kept all these years slid into the lock with a familiar click, and the door swung open to reveal a foyer frozen in time. Dusty sheets covered the furniture, and the air held a musty stillness. Cassandra walked through the silent halls, each room a capsule of memories. The grand piano in the living room, the bookshelves filled with her parents' favorite novels, the dining table where countless meals had been shared—all of it spoke of a life abruptly halted.

She made her way upstairs to her old bedroom which she shared with her sisters. Pushing the door open, she was greeted by a wave of nostalgia. The walls were still painted the soft lavender they had chosen, and their bookshelf was lined with the stories that had once fueled Elena's imagination. She walked over to the window and looked out at the backyard, where she, her parents and her sisters had spent many happy afternoons.

Cassandra sat on the edge of her bed, her mind racing. The weight of Roman's words and the gravity of their situation pressed down on her. She had to find a starting point for her investigation. The past ten years had buried the truth under layers of grief and secrecy, but she was determined to unearth it.


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