Chapter 12

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Cassandra's voice trembled with disbelief as she demanded, "What are you doing here?"

The figure smirked, unfazed by her shock.

"Oh, Cassandra de Ville. Hello to you too," they replied, their tone dripping with amusement.

Cassandra's mind raced as she instinctively reached for her phone, only to have the intruder dismiss her efforts with a casual wave.

"Tsk, tsk. I don't think anyone will pick up the phone. Anyway, try," they taunted, striding further into the room.

With a sinking feeling, Cassandra attempted to call Rayan and Caleb, but her efforts were futile. The phone lines were dead, fueling her frustration and anger. What the hell?

The intruder chuckled, their amusement evident.

"Judging by the look on your beautiful face, I'm guessing no one picked up the phone," they remarked, relishing in Cassandra's discomfort.

"What do you want?" Cassandra demanded, her voice steadier now, masking her inner turmoil.

The figure gestured to the chair, inviting her to sit.

"To talk, perhaps. Take a seat, please," they said, their tone deceptively calm.

Cassandra complied, her glare piercing as she settled into the chair opposite the intruder.

"You look more beautiful than usual with that glare of yours," the figure remarked, while taking a drag of the cigarette.

"Oh, thanks. I'm flattered," she retorted, her words laced with sarcasm.

The figure smirked, passing her the cigarette. "Obviously," they replied, their eyes gleaming with intrigue.

Suppressing her irritation, Cassandra accepted the cigarette and took a long drag, her facade unwavering.

Cassandra exhaled slowly, the tension thick in the air.

"You want to talk? Let's talk, then. I'm all ears," she declared, steeling herself for whatever conversation lay ahead, before handing over the cigarette.

"Hmmm okay, where do we start?" the figure asked with a questioning look trying to act innocent while taking a drag of the cigarette.

"Any suggestions?" the intruder asked clearly playing with her.

"Not really," Cassandra replied a bit annoyed.

As Cassandra sat across from the intruder, a tense silence hung in the air for a moment.

The figure, seemingly unperturbed by Cassandra's piercing gaze, leaned back in their chair, exhaling a cloud of smoke.

"So, Cassandra de Ville," they began, their tone casual yet loaded with underlying intent, "tell me, how does it feel to be at the helm of such a powerful empire?"

"Oh... umm it feels good to be in the center of such a powerful empire. I absolutely love it," she said, her tone revealing nothing.

"That's nice," they remarked, their tone nonchalant. "Oh, and almost forgot, do you have any alcohol here?"

Cassandra's eyebrows furrowed slightly, the request seeming out of place given the circumstances. Nevertheless, she maintained her composure, masking any hint of surprise she showed the figure the cabinet using her hand.

"Thank you!" the figure said, striding confidently to the cabinet and deftly retrieving two glasses. As they poured the Red Burgundy Wine from Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, a recent addition to Cassandra's collection, the rich aroma filled the air, mingling with the lingering tension in the room.

"Cheers!" the figure declared, extending a glass toward Cassandra.

"Cheers," Cassandra echoed, her voice steady as she accepted the glass.

With a sip of the exquisite wine, she found a momentary reprieve from the intensity of their encounter, savoring the rich flavor that danced on her palate.

As Cassandra savored the wine, she couldn't help but notice the contrast between the luxurious surroundings and the ominous presence of their unexpected guest. Despite the facade of civility, she remained wary, her mind racing with questions and suspicions.

"So, Cassandra de Ville, a mafia leader of a powerful empire in Italy. And you're a lady. Wow, I'm impressed," the figure said sipping on the drink.

"Thank you! Shall we get into real business now," Cassandra said as she gently stroked the top of the glass with her middle finger while staring intently at the intruder.

"Of course, of course," the intruder said while keeping the glass on the table.

After a tense silence, the intruder finally spoke up.

"Hello love," they said, a smirk tugging at the corners of their lips, causing Cassandra to tense.

"Hello Roman," she replied, her voice hardening.

It was none other than her rival, Roman Volkov, a powerful mafia leader in Russia.

Cassandra's heart raced as she met Roman's gaze, a mixture of fear and confidence coursing through her veins.

As they exchanged a knowing glance, an unspoken understanding passed between them, fueling the intensity of their connection and setting the stage for the intricate dance of power that lay ahead.


How was the chapter?

What do you feel about our intruder? It's our rival Roman Volkov.

And sorry for an early update. I just finished this chapter, so I posted it>3.

Have a good day!

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