Chapter 4

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After Falcone's directive, everyone in the room sprang into action, and Cassandra, with a determined expression, placed her wine glass on the table and led the way into the next room, followed closely by the Marcelli family and the Santoro's. 

As they entered the meeting room, Cassandra's mind raced with anticipation, knowing that her position as the Don would likely be scrutinized, along with her mental fortitude. The thought of losing her title or being forced into a marriage for political gain churned her stomach, but she was resolved not to yield without a fight.

"Please be seated. We'll begin the meeting shortly after the elders have a quick talk outside," Antonio Falcone announced, prompting the elders to rise from their seats and exit the room. Cassandra watched as Cosimo and Matteo exchanged nods before leaving, their expressions betraying nothing of the impending discussion.

Once the elders had departed, a heavy silence settled over the room, broken only by the faint murmur of their voices from the corridor outside. Cassandra felt the tension in the air escalate, the weight of their powerful auras pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. It was almost overwhelming, threatening to crush her under its weight.

To her relief, Rayan's touch on her leg provided a small anchor of comfort, his reassuring squeeze offering a momentary respite from the mounting pressure. She glanced at him, grateful for his silent support, before turning her attention back to the task at hand.

As the minutes ticked by, the tension in the room became palpable, each passing second stretching out into an eternity of uncertainty. Cassandra braced herself for whatever challenges lay ahead, steeling her resolve to face them head-on, no matter the cost.

And so, as the elders returned to the room, their expressions grave and determined, Cassandra steeled herself for the battle to come.

"Let's begin the meeting by introducing the heirs, shall we?" Antonio announced, rising from his seat.

Proudly, Antonio gestured towards a man who bore a striking resemblance to him. "This is Anthonie, my heir," he declared, his authoritative tone commanding the room's attention. Anthonie Falcone, with tattoos running down his neck and piercing black eyes, exuded an aura of power. "Good afternoon," he greeted in a deep, resonant voice. "I'm Anthonie Falcone, and these are my second and third in command, Jeffrey and Adan." His gaze swept over the assembled heirs, lingering on Cassandra for a prolonged moment before he settled back into his seat.

Following Antonio's lead, Mario Lombardi rose to introduce his son, Fabio Lombardi, a man of impeccable stature and Italian charm. "I'm Fabio, the eldest son of Mario Lombardi," he announced, his voice carrying a hint of authority. "My second and third in command are none other than my younger brothers, Diego and Sergio." With a nod of acknowledgment, he resumed his seat.

Next, Giuseppe Russo presented his son, Giorgio Russo, a formidable figure with an imposing presence. "Good evening, my fellow mafiosi," Giuseppe began, his voice resonating with power. "I would like to introduce you to my son, Giorgio Russo. Marcello and Marco serve as his commanders." Giorgio's muscular frame and array of tattoos commanded attention as he stood, acknowledging the room with a nod of his head.

The introduction of Angelo Romano followed, presented by Alberto, the brother of the late Roberto Romano. A formidable figure rose, emanating a palpable sense of strength and determination. "I would like to introduce you to Angelo Romano," Alberto declared, his voice carrying a note of solemnity. "Francesco and Alessia are his commanders." The presence of identical twins among the commanders piqued Cassandra's interest, their shared demeanor hinting at a formidable partnership. A woman is a commander. Cassandra couldn't help but wonder why a woman was chosen as a commander and that's when she saw her demeanor.

It had authority and a hint of fierceness. After all, she's the only female who was granted such a title apart from Natalia, who was a Marcelli.

As the introductions continued, the Marcelli family was called to present. Cosimo rose to introduce his heirs, with Massimo stepping forward to introduce his commanders. Tomasso and Natalia, his own brother and cousin. Both presented as capable leaders, their presence commanding the attention of the room.

Finally, the spotlight fell on Cassandra as Antonio announced the de Villes, all eyes turning towards her. With anticipation and tension hanging in the air, Cassandra prepared to make her family's mark on the proceedings.


Dear readers,

Thank you so much for reading Cassandra de Ville.

Means a lot to me!! And I'm really sorry as this chapter is short. But hope you enjoy.

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