Chapter 16

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Cassandra's gaze lingered on the reflection in the mirror, her mind clouded with unanswered questions and a sense of unease that refused to dissipate. Her thoughts swirled with memories of her parents, their absence casting a shadow over her every move.

As she stood there, grappling with her inner turmoil, a soft knock on the door pulled her back to the present.

"Come in," she called out, turning to face the entrance as Rayan stepped into the room, his expression guarded.

"What is it?" Cassandra inquired, meeting his eyes through the mirror's reflection.

Rayan hesitated for a moment before responding, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"The meeting... should we postpone it until tomorrow? It's getting late," he suggested, his gaze searching for any sign of agreement from Cassandra.

"No, we can't afford to wait," Cassandra replied firmly, her resolve unwavering. "We need to gather all the information we can before it's too late."

With a determined nod, she left the mirror behind and made her way downstairs, where the rest of her inner circle had assembled in the living room, their hushed conversations filling the air.

"Let's begin," Cassandra announced as she took her seat, her eyes scanning the room to ensure everyone was present.

"But first, did Fleur return safely?" she inquired, her concern for her sister evident in her voice.

Caleb nodded in confirmation. "Yes, she's back. I arranged for her to be flown out on our private jet," he informed her, earning a nod of approval from Cassandra.

"Good. Now, are we all up to date on the current situation?" Cassandra asked, her gaze sweeping across the room as each member nodded in acknowledgment.

Turning her attention to Caleb, she prompted him to provide an update on their investigation into the Russian Mafia's activities. Caleb's report painted a grim picture, highlighting the presence of the Russian Mafia families in their territory and their mysterious motives.

As Caleb finished speaking, Cassandra turned to Matteo, her uncle, who seemed lost in thought. "Do you have anything to add, Uncle?" she inquired, sensing his reluctance to speak.

Matteo hesitated; his expression troubled.

"I have some suspicions, but I need more time to gather my thoughts," he admitted, his words hinting at deeper concerns lurking beneath the surface.

With a nod of understanding, Cassandra turned her attention back to Caleb, seeking further details on their surveillance efforts. As Caleb shared the footage of the Russian Mafia families at the Elysium Grandeur hotel, a heavy silence settled over the room, each member grappling with the gravity of the situation.

Breaking the silence, Cassandra turned to Rayan, her trusted confidant.

"Did you uncover anything?" she asked, her voice cutting through the tension that hung in the air.

"According to my research I found out some information regarding our fellow mafias and one thing in particular. It seems one of our Mafias has had an affair with a Russian," he said pausing.

"Hmm who's it?" Cassandra asked questioningly.

"Roberto Romano," Rayan said, and Cassandra felt her mind go blank. Isn't he the brother of Alberto?

The revelation sent a ripple of shock through the room, and Cassandra's mind raced as she processed the implications of Rayan's discovery. Roberto Romano's involvement with a Russian figure added a layer of complexity to their already precarious situation, and Cassandra couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than met the eye.

"Isn't he the brother of Alberto? The one who's dead?" Cassandra asked, her brow furrowing in concern.

Matteo's confirmation only deepened Cassandra's unease, and she exchanged a glance with Rayan, their unspoken communication conveying a shared sense of urgency.

"Regardless of whether it's directly related to our current predicament, we can't ignore this connection," Cassandra asserted, her voice firm. "We need to investigate further and determine the extent of Roberto's involvement with the Russian Mafia."

As the weight of their newfound knowledge settled over the room, Caleb spoke up, his expression grave. "We also need to consider the potential repercussions of this discovery. If Roberto's actions have compromised our security, we need to act swiftly to mitigate any potential threats."

Cassandra nodded in agreement, her mind already racing with plans and strategies to address the situation. "Agreed. Rayan, I want you to dig deeper into Roberto's connections and gather as much information as possible. Matteo, Caleb, coordinate with our allies and assess the impact of this revelation on our alliances......"

"Children, you won't find anything pulling this thread," Matteo interjected, halting Cassandra in mid-sentence.

"What do you mean?" she asked, fixing her gaze on him.

"Almost invariably, at least one member of each Mafia lineage has had ties with a Russian. And these connections seldom end well for both families," he explained, his tone grave as he looked down.

"What exactly are you saying?" Rayan pressed; his eyes locked on Matteo.

"What he means is, at least one member from each Mafia family has been involved in a relationship with Russians, and both sides have suffered consequences as a result," Cassandra clarified, her curiosity piqued. "Who was it in our family?"

She glanced at Matteo, waiting for his response, her heart pounding in her chest. Why does the plot always take unexpected turns?

"Uncle..." she began, her eyes urging him to continue.

Matteo hesitated, his mouth opening and closing before he finally spoke.

"It was... it was..." he started, then turned to Caterina, who wore a troubled expression. After a moment, she nodded, silently encouraging him to reveal the truth.

"It was your mother, Cass," Matteo confessed, and Cassandra felt her entire world crumble around her.


Hello loves, sorry for the late update!!

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!

I'll try to post the other chapter soon!!!

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