Chapter 18

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Cassandra sat in a secluded room with Matteo and Caterina, the gravity of the past weighing heavily on her mind. The rest of her inner circle had dispersed to carry out their orders, leaving her with the burden of newly revealed truths. Matteo's face was etched with lines of regret and sorrow as he prepared to unravel the story that had been kept from her for so long.

"Start from the beginning," Cassandra urged, her voice steady but her heart pounding. "I need to know everything."

Matteo took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Your mother, Isabella, was a remarkable woman. She had a vision for peace that few in our world possess. She believed that if the Mariani and Volkov families could unite, we could put an end to the bloodshed and create a stable future for both sides. A truce with the Russians."

Cassandra listened intently, trying to reconcile this image of her mother with the one she had always known. "How did she meet Nikolai Volkov?"

"It was during a summit arranged by both parties, the Italians and the Russians," Matteo continued. "Isabella attended as a representative of her family, and Nikolai was there for the Volkovs along with the other families. They were young, idealistic, and shared a common dream of peace. Their connection was immediate, but it was more than just political."

He paused, his eyes reflecting the pain of old memories.

"They fell in love. It was a love that transcended their roles and responsibilities, but it was also a love that was doomed from the start. Both sides saw their relationship as a betrayal, a threat to the delicate balance of power."

Cassandra felt a pang of empathy for her mother, understanding now the depth of her sacrifices.

"What happened when their relationship was discovered?"

"Their secret couldn't stay hidden forever," Matteo said, his voice low. "When it came to light, it caused an uproar. The truce talks collapsed, and both sides accused each other of using the relationship as a ploy for power. The violence that followed was brutal. Your mother tried to mediate, to find a way to salvage the peace they had hoped for, but it was too late. The damage was done."

Cassandra's mind raced with the implications. "And Nikolai? What happened to him?"

"He somehow managed to survive. But his family wasn't that lucky, and later he married a Russian Mafia lady with whom he had two sons. But in the end, he and his wife met with an accident leading to their deaths," Matteo replied, his tone somber.

The revelation hit Cassandra like a physical blow. She could feel the weight of her mother's anguish, the loss, and betrayal that had shaped her life. "And my mother... how did she cope with all of this?"

"Isabella was devastated," Matteo said softly. "But she was also incredibly strong. She chose to bury the past, to protect you and your siblings from the same fate. She married your father, Alessandro, to solidify the Mariani family's position and to bring some measure of stability. Together, they rebuilt what was lost, but the scars never truly healed. After all, she knew marrying your father wouldn't cause any trouble for her and she knew he would protect her with his life. They were best friends."

Cassandra sat in silence, absorbing the full scope of her mother's sacrifices. The truth was a heavy burden, but it also gave her a newfound understanding of the challenges ahead. She knew that her family's future depended on her ability to navigate the treacherous waters of their world with the same strength and determination her mother had shown.

"Thank you for telling me," Cassandra said finally, her voice firm with resolve. "We can't change the past, but we can learn from it. We must be smarter, stronger, and more united than ever."

Matteo nodded, a hint of pride in his eyes. "You have your mother's strength, Cass. Use it wisely."

As they rejoined the rest of the family, Cassandra felt a renewed sense of purpose. The revelations of the past had given her a clearer understanding of the present and the future she needed to secure for her family. She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger, but she was ready to face it head-on.

Her inner circle was already at work, gathering intelligence, and preparing for the battles to come. Cassandra stood at the helm, her resolve unshaken. The shadows of the past had been brought into the light, and with that light came the strength to forge a new path forward.

And now she knew why Roman came to visit her; she knew he knows something, and Cassandra knew they should meet again.

"I will be going to New York for a few days," she announced, and with that, she retreated to her room.



How's the chapter? And any thoughts on Isabella and Nikolai? What happened to them?

Sorry for the plot twists, I know I keep on doing it.

So any idea on why Cassandra is going back to New York? If you have read the book from the beginning, you might have an answer (not the exact one though)

Happy Reading! 💖

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