Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Author: So I forgot to add what happened with the prisoners who were trapped so they are just now getting around to it in this book. So I am sorry if it doesn't quite match up. Sorry not sorry.

I heard Hershel's screams.

"RICK" his old shaggy voice boomed over the quiet and subtle yard of the prison. The little body sitting in the field perked up. The head just over the tall grass. The man, our leader, Rick Grimes, arose from the field and ran with all of his might towards the prison. Rick was getting better. His days turning into "Which Rick are we gonna get today!" My stomach lurched, my feet moving without permission, I launched forward, gaining on Rick. The metal door handle flung open with the force of my arms. The door rattled at the sudden force of our entry.

"What de Hell ya Yellin for" My voice seemed to cut through the old mans panic. His wrinkled hands fly up and gesture for us to follow.

"Look" he whispers. Our shoes make a small sound as we follow him. Our tracks stop when we catch the glimpse of Artemis, laying on the makeshift hospital bed. Her left pinky twitching.

My heart picks up.

"So" my voice low and soft.

"Shes alive" the old ones explains.

"Nah really dipstick" I cough

"Daryl" Rick warns. I scoff and stride away.

I ain't dealing with his shit.


I hear them. The grip on me tightens. I feel it grow cold. The feeling of eyes on me, the thought of returning was gripping tightly on my heart. I must make it.


Daryl can be a bitch. She was alive, awake.

I remember a moment similar to this. The day Carl was born. I was worried and scared. I-I feel my heart race. My face turning towards Hershel.

"How long until she is awake"  he nods at the question, tilting his head in thought.

"Not long at all. I hope" he adds with a dark expression plastered on his face.

A small gasp from our right sounds. My head whipping to where Artemis lays on the bed. Her blue eyes scan the cell.


I feel the grip tighten on my lungs. I see the figures of the dark scurry into the corners of my vision as the world becomes brighter. My breath held and my mind swirling. I feel the calling of the world above become stronger and stronger as the grip tightens even stronger around my chest. Around my neck the sounds of voices slowly trickle into my ears. The sound is a pleasure of heaven. The grips loosens and my eyes strike open and take in the environment around the small bunk bed I was laid on. I gasp for air as the hold around my chest and neck release and the world is brighter and colorful. The heads of Hershel and Rick turn my direction, the feeling of their stare making me puff up. Where was my hello?

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