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It was six in the morning when Serena woke up, she got herself ready for work and she got herself a pop-tart to settle her stomach for the morning. When she left the room she used the bathroom before she went to the kitchen to see Milo with the two kids. The two girls smiled happily seeing her. 

"Auntie!" The five year old female of the duo said happily

"Hey girly, you being good for your daddy?"

"Mhm! I made all gone with my cereal!"

"Good girl, Auntie will be back in the afternoon. When she does she'll spend some time with you and your sissy okay?" Serena said with a smile

"Okay! Bye-bye auntie!"

"Bye Amelia." Serena said before she hugged her elder brother. "I'll see you when I get off at four."

"You work too damn much woman, when you get off of work before you be with my girls we are going to talk."

Serena nodded her head. "Sure thing, for now I need to go before I'm late. I have to open the restaurant." serena said before she left out

When she got to the restaurant she opened it and began her daily routine before she saw that she was working with Jaden and Jesse that day, she rolled her eyes but ignored them as she stayed behind the bar and made sure that everything was alright before she saw the manager and owner talking with one another as they came in.

"Manager, Julian can I talk with you two for a moment please?" Serena asked getting their attention

"Yeah sure thing  Serena, is something wrong?" Julian asked concerned

"Sorta...I need to ask do you two know what Jaden and Jesse do when they get off work after they get paid?" Serena inquired "I ask because I used to live with them and I left living with them because they were supposed to pay a bill each and about two fifty each in rent."

"They blow it all off here, which is a hefty amount to spend in one place. They both get paid 12,000 for what they do each. There should be no reason why they shouldn't have been helping you out. That was wrong on their part." Julian said seriously

Her manager shook her head. "Tell me how do you even keep afloat?"

"I have two jobs while I go to college." She said weakly

"Two jobs?! Girl you are going to burn yourself out!" Her manager said shocked

"I-I am burnt out but I keep going to keep living." She said sadly

"Serena clock the fuck out, you are not working at all for the next two weeks." Her manager said shaking her head

"I agree, we will pay you for your time off. We will also set those two boys straight." Julian said seriously

"Um...before you do I believe you two should know something crucial that has happened. I had gotten in the mail an evection notice for the rent and termination papers for the bills they were supposed to pay. I placed all of them on the door taped so they'd have to see them plus my own note saying that they had to pay their parts or I'd leave. They had then gave me a few messages gas lighting me." Serena said sadly before she showed them the messages she had saved on her phone. 

Julian and her manager looked pissed seeing what they had. "Fuck it-a month. A month of pay, get the hell out of here. Clock out and don't come back until the first of May in the morning." Julian said seriously

"T-Thank you sir. I...I'll go now."

Serena was quick to clock out before she left out leaving her apron by the door. Once she left out she went to her car and she called her brother. It didn't take long before he answered. "Hey sis what's up?"

"My boss and the owner just gave me a full month off. Um...Wanna go out with the kiddos somewhere? I have extra cash to spend."

"Sure, I've been wanting to take the girls to the amusement park."

"Get them ready to go, I'll take ya'll there."

"Sweet, thanks Rena. See you soon."

"That you will."

Serena then hung up and she took a deep breath. "It's okay, deep breaths...we'll be okay." Serena said to herself before she went to grab her keys and she started her car up. 

She then left out and she went back to her brothers place, she parked her car and she placed her four ways on before she honked her horn. Milo soon came out with Amelia and her sister, Serena got out and helped Milo get the two kids in the back in their car seats. Once they were secure they took their places in the front of the car. As Serena drove off she raised an eyebrow at her brother. 

"So...where's Nala?"

"I dumped her and made her leave, you made a lot of good points that was just lost on me. So...thank you for standing up to her last night."

Serena nodded her head. "Of course, you helped me out so I wanted to repay the favor. So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"The fuck are you doing having two jobs and going to college? Are you insane?!"

"No...but I was desperate to keep afloat." She said sadly

"Which one pays more?"

She hummed out in thought "The one that is allowing me a month off."

"Then keep that one and quit the other. Obviously don't be a bitch about it but leave on good terms."

"Right...I didn't like that job anyways. The people treated me like shit."

"Well all the more reason to leave. How's the college life treating you?"

"It's going good, I'm close to getting my bachelors degree in ECE."

"If you ever need help with anything just let me know alright?"

"Sure thing broski, not a problem."

"Oh...I should warn you about something."

"Hm?" Serena asked raising an eyebrow at him

"Our family is already there, I had made the mention to mom about you taking my kids and I to the amusement park and they apparently wanted to go too. So they'll probably already there."

"Fuck...I'm not talking to our parents. Especially our shitty mother. She's given me no reason to talk to her."

"I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. Just relax today okay?"

Serena nodded her head. "I'll try to."

[Complete]book one:Don't Forget [Yu-gi-oh GX Love story] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now