Chapter Five: Game Plan in Motion

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After a while, Eli wakes up refreshed as he and Derrick leave the room, make their way to the meeting room, and sit down in their spots.  Alice was in the middle of discussing her plans, Tabatha was writing stuff down in her notebook and drinking strawberry milk tea, Mariska was doing something on her laptop, Kenji followed along with Alice's words, Daniel stood beside Alice, Callie Marie, Eli, Katelynn and Derrick were doing nothing but listening. "Mariska, Kenji, and Marie will enter the signal tower; Eli, Derrick, Tabatha, and Callie will take down the enemies. Daniel and Crystal, wait for me at the Future Foundation.." everyone nods, gets out of their seats, and goes into their groups; as Eli leaves with his group, Tabatha turns her head and looks at him. "Hey uhh, Eli...can I talk about something with you? It's kinda important..." Eli turns and looks at Tabatha. "Go on, Tabby..." Tabatha sighed and looked down as they all kept walking, Akari being the assigned guard for the group. "With the way things are going...I don't know if I'll last another day...I thank God every day that I'm still alive and not affected...with this whole tragedy, I don't know how I'm still alive." As the group gets in their helicopter, Eli gives Tabatha a reassuring smile* "Because you are important to this team....we need you to be alive.....all of us are important...sometimes...I wish we could have saved Sanji. May his soul Rest In Peace, but we must keep moving forward for his sake...we have a job to do. Let's do it and do it right...we're going into enemy territory...brace ourselves..." Tabatha nods; the squad goes in. A bunch of monokuma bots stand in their way; they take out their weapon and start shooting them as Derrick uses his watch's map to guide the group to where they need to go; on the way, Eli feels an eerie pair of eyes watching him, as the three entered the control room, they see a girl with red glowing eyes and long black hair wearing a black skirt suit outfit just staring blankly at the group. Derrick went a little crazy, "Are you one of them despair remnants?! Let's get her team!!" The group draws out their weapons to attack as the girl raises her hand. "Woah woah...I'm not your foe. I don't agree with everything they're doing on this planet. Come on inside." The group put their weapons away and stepped inside as the girl closed the doors and turned to the group. "My name is Cassandra Kamukura, and I am the Ultimate Gymnast, Fighter, and Medic...I'm also secretly Agent 4 of the Squid Beak..." Everyone around her was shocked, not expecting this from her as Derrick spoke up. " one of us?! What's with all this? Why aren't you at the HQ?!" Cassandra sighs, "'s a long story...even though Izuru created of the masterminds behind this tragedy...I disagree with what he's doing, what Junko is doing, or what any of the Ultimate Despairs are I left...I managed to override the programming that was put on me by Junko and Izuru and went against my label as an Ultimate Despair," Eli then steps forward. "I this is where you've been this whole time? Well, would you like to come with us?" Cassandra gets worried. "But anyone on The Ultimate Despair would know it's me with one look and drag me back to my room..." Eli thinks for a while but comes up with an idea. "I have an idea...we can just change how you you won't be recognizable; let's cut and dye your hair, put in eye contact, and change your clothes." Cassandra seems to love this idea, so they get to work; they cut her hair shorter, dye it yellow, and put in orange contacts; she changes into black shorts, a neon yellow jacket with black boots, and headphones. She loved her new look, and she was beaming. "AHHHHH!! I love this so much. Thank you so much!! Now I'm ready to go. Agent 4 is back in the game and ready to fight for this world... you all just got yourselves a new ally!" The group was surprised that she was so uptight and excited about this and not emotionless like her creator, but they aren't complaining...they know they need all the help they can get, and she's pretty powerful; Cassandra also seems to be willing to give any helpful information and anything the group may need she is also able to take out enemies with ease, so they lead Cassandra out to the van as Cassandra easily wipe out the Monokuma bots in her way all with a positive attitude on her face as they make their way back to the van, their plan worked, and any of the Ultimate Despair did not recognize Cassandra, and soon make their way back to the van. They get in the van and drive off; Cassandra is on her phone looking at memes, Callie is on the phone with Alice, talking about Cassandra and how they'll bring her back to the HQ, Eli is looking at some photos and soon decides to use his phone and spend some of his power eggs to upgrade his gear and weapons, he had 10,590 eggs left after his, and soon puts his phone away and goes through the logs and audio logs he collected throughout the journey so far and how far he had come and how far he still has to go, Derrick was in the middle of working on something... his next piece of tech, and Tabatha was taking notes, probably to write in the next newspaper once all of this is over, Cassandra soon gets bored puts on some rap music on the radio and bumps to it. "AHHHHH YEAH!!!" Cassandra exclaims as she listens to the song and vibes to it; however, they are soon surrounded by a bunch of Monokuma-headed people trying to get back in the van; everyone is in a panic except for Cassandra, who seems to know what to do. "Y'all might wanna cover your ears..." Everyone in the van was confused by her but did it anyway. She then did a bit of practice before letting out a wail so powerful and so loud that it stunned the people trying to break into the van and soon Cassandra got in the driver's seat, put in her Agent 4 ID, and started driving the van. "Don't worry, y'all, I got this!!" Things were going well until they heard a BOOM from afar; they looked to see the second group van up in flames. Mariska and Marie made it out of the van, but Kenji didn't; when Eli and Cassandra took a look, they found he had already died. Eli was confused because his body didn't look burned when Tabatha jumped in. "Oh no, his asthma....all that smoke from the far must have caused it...but how did your van catch fire?!" Mariska steps in. "We were attacked as we were getting close to the our van is destroyed, and we lost another team member.Marie is already on the phone with Captain Alice to tell her what has happened...can we ride in your van to the HQ?" Eli nods. Everyone gets in the van with Cassandra as the driver, and they go to the HQ. Cassandra leads everyone inside as the workers greet her; soon, Eli turns and faces her. "Hey, why do you wish to help up? Like, shouldn't you be like them...wanting to destroy the world or something?" Cassandra shrugs. "I don't agree with all of this...with the mass destruction, my creators Izuru and Junko are causing...I'd rather fight for hope than despair...I'm...far less evil than the rest, so I'll help you out.." Eli seem to understand this and smile at Cassandra, and soon Alice approaches. "I heard about what everything ok?! Also, I see you found Agent 4...great..." Eli nods as Tabatha butts in. "I...I wasn't expecting this...I didn't think anyone was...the creation of Izuru and...partially Junko is on our side and not theirs...that's insane..." Alice sighed, understanding what Tabatha was saying, as she hadn't expected this at all. Such a shock like that can't even be described properly; they lost an ally but also gained one, not only that, but a pretty powerful one at that, and knows the bases of the Ultimate Despair and has a special keycard with her, so no doubt she'll be a great help for the agency. Later on, Eli is in only a towel, just relaxing inside Rina's therapeutic sauna, when Cassandra walks in, also only wearing a towel, and sits with him. "Hey!!" exclaimed Cassandra, to which Eli replied with Hi; soon, Tabatha and Derrick stepped in and sat down together. It was clear they all needed this very much; Derrick still had his iconic smug smile on his face and laid-back persona. Tabatha, with her big blue innocent and pink hair, reminded Eli of one of those ponies in that one girl's cartoon, which makes sense since it is one of her interest

Splatanronpa: The Despair Splatocalypse (Fan made Danganronpa x Splatoon story)Where stories live. Discover now