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It had been three hours and he hadn't heard anything about Serena's well being, he was getting concerned about her. As he got up to go to the secretary to ask about her a doctor came out and looked at him. "Are you here for Serena Santos?"

"I am....is she okay?"

"She'll be fine, she passed out from lack of food and rest. Seems like the last three months she's been over doing herself to the point of exhaustion."

"So what will happen to her now?"

"Well she's going to be in here for a few days so we can keep an eye on her levels-but afterwards she's going on an anti-depressant and will have to be monitored for a bit so she can become healthy once more." 

Aster nodded his head. "Alright...Thank you. May I see her?"

"sure thing, she's in room four."

Aster went to room four to see Serena watching TV, she was shocked to see him come into the room. "Aster?"

"Hey Serena, you really need to stop over doing yourself." He said concerned

"I know...but my mind just won't let me." She said sadly

"I'm getting that. Tell me does living with your brother make you starve yourself and keep yourself up like you have been?"

"Y-Yeah...a few times I've caught his daughter Gloria trying to get into my room or to the kitchen for one reason or another. So...so I've had no other choice in the matter but to not sleep."

Aster was quiet as he placed her phone on her lap, he then let out a sigh. "I let your brother know about what had happened. So he knew you weren't going to be home."

"You didn't have to do that, I would have let him know Aster."

"I couldn't take that risk." He said shaking his head before he averted his eyes. 

Serena knew he was acting off and raised an eyebrow at him. "Is something going on with you Aster? You're acting odd...even for you that's way out of character."

Aster frowned as he placed his hands in his pockets. "Tell me Serena honestly...why haven't you ever dated anyone while we were in high school? Almost everyone in our grade had you were one of the very few that never did."

"I don't believe in the whole 'high school sweet heart' nonsense. Plus my mind wouldn't have allowed me to deal with a relationship and school work at the same time. Not to mention, I've been waiting for the right person to ask me out."

Aster looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "The 'right person'? What do you mean by that Serena?"

"Just as it sounds, There has been one person in our large group of hooligans that I've been waiting for them to stop being ignorant and actually step up and ask me out. I refuse to do so, I don't think I could deal with the heart break that would come afterwards if I was to be rejected."

"Oh...I see, how close are they to you in the group?"

"They are the only reason I'm still in the group to begin with. If it wasn't for them I would have been gone already."

Aster stiffened up hearing her speak "W-Wait...hold up are you talking about me?" He asked placing a hand on his chest where his heart was

"What if I am?"

Aster placed down the metal bar on the side of the bed so he could sit beside her, he then held her hand within both of his. "Serena, I know this is a bad place to ask you this. But-"

"Why don't you wait until I'm out of the hospital then?"

His blue eyes lit up at her question, he smiled before he kissed the top of her hand softly. "Very well, I will wait until you are out of the hospital. I took your car here so you'll have it for when you are released. When you are out of here, you know where I live come see me alright?"

"Alright...Thank you for coming to see me Aster."

"Of course. I'll let you be, you might want to check in with your brother so he's in the loop."

"Oh right! Thanks for reminding me." She said happily before she went to call her brother. 

Aster then left out with a small smile on his face, he knew once Serena got out of the hospital that he'd be able to finally tell her how he felt about her, knowing that she felt the same about him. As Aster left the hospital room, Serena called her brother with a small smile on her face. 


"Hey bro...sorry for worrying you about me. I'm okay for now. Just lack of sleep and food caught up to me."

"I see you eat every day though, How is that happening?"

"Gloria has sticky fingers, many times I've caught that child waking up in the middle of the night to either go into my room or go into the kitchen to make a mess. You don't have anything baby proofed in that house so she can get into everything. Not to mention I don't have a lock on my door so she can just come and go into my room." Serena spoke with a sigh

Milo let out a stressed out sigh "I'm so sorry that things have gotten this bad sis, I will fix that now that I know it's happening. Mira took the two kids for two weeks since Amelia doesn't have school anymore."

"Alright, I'll let you know when I am going to be out of the hospital."

"Good, by the way-a male by the name of Aster Phoenix had called me earlier saying you were hanging out with him...just who is he to you?"

"He's one of the few males I've befriended back in high school that has a brain...he's also the only guy that I at the moment see as a possible person to be with." She said with a sigh

"I'd say go for it, he sounded rather concerned about you while you were out of it. I'm glad he had the brain with all to tell me that you were going to be in the hospital...but you really shouldn't have had to do that."

"As I said he's one of a few males I'm friends with that has a brain. There's a reason I'm friends with him."

"One of these days I'd like to see this guy to gauge him myself. Our mother might not give a fuck about what's going on with you but I do, and I don't want you to do the same shit I'm dealing with."

"That's fair...Have fun baby proofing your house bro."

"Ugh...yeah I need to go out and get what I need. Do you know what type of lock you want for your room?"

"I honestly don't care as long as it works to keep your demon child out of my room."

"That's fair. Alright I'll let you know when I get done installing everything."

"Sweet, thanks broski."

[Complete]book one:Don't Forget [Yu-gi-oh GX Love story] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now