Chapter 7

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As they drive back to where the tyre tracks were first found, Optimus was hoping that they would be able to find Mech before they could do permanent damage to Breakdown. While Breakdown was a decepticon, he knew that Breakdown did not deserve what was being done to him. Even Megatron wouldn't deserve it if he was held down on the chopping block, as Optimus knew the danger that it poses to the autobots, decepticons and humans. He doubted they would stop Mech completely today, but slowing them down was the objective, along with saving Breakdown from certain doom if they do nothing.

As they reach back to where Bumblebee had located the tyre marks, he transformed suddenly, surprising the other bots, as Bumblebee skidded to a stop and looked at the ground in surprise. Arcee, Ratchet and Optimus transform as they were not sure why Bumblebee had stopped suddenly, as they were about to follow the tyre marks. But Bumblebee likely spotted something else, which was why he stopped.

"Bumblebee, why did you stop suddenly and force us all to stop?" Ratchet asked the scout with a frown, irritated that Bumblebee had stopped so suddenly. He looked around their surroundings curiously, though he saw nothing that concerned him. "I do not see any danger around us at this time. Did you detect something?"

Bumblebee rolled his optics and points to the ground. "Fresh tyre marks." Optimus looked at the ground and Bumblebee was correct. "But they are different. They look like Bulkhead's tyre marks. Did he send a message that he was coming and we didn't hear because of the explosion before?"

Optimus frowned as seeing the tyre marks, Bumblebee was right. These were Bulkhead's tyre marks. "I did not hear him." He hummed softly and saw the tyre marks followed the other marks that they had seen before. "If Bulkhead did arrive without informing us, it seems he has gone to engage Mech on his own."

"That is not good," Arcee said as her expression turned to worry and looked at Optimus. "Should we reach out to him and see if he is still in the base or follow the tracks right now as..." Arcee paused as they heard the echoes of shots being fired in the distance, along with revs of engines and sound of helicopters. "Well, scrap. I hope they're shooting at decepticons."

"I am detecting Bulkhead's signal as well, and it seems he is here, and in the same vicinity as the fighting." Ratchet had checked Bulkhead's signal, and he was not at the base. "It would seem he has changed his mind. Though it was extremely foolish of Bulkhead to not inform us he was coming, as he has now done something more foolish than taking on Breakdown on his own."

Optimus narrowed his optics as he heard explosions in the distance, while listening to Ratchet. "We need to ensure that Breakdown is freed from Mech, and hope that Bulkhead will not land himself in their hands before we reach him. Let's roll!" He transformed and sped in the direction of the firefight.

Ratchet sighed deeply, worried that things might not go so well, but he transformed along with Arcee and Bumblebee to follow Optimus. He was also worried about how Mech will respond to realizing that Optimus was carrying a sparkling. They would not be stupid, considering Optimus was not carrying during the train incident. Though Ratchet could really only hope that Optimus could be kept away from Mech. Optimus was a strong bot, but carrying a sparkling also takes energy from the carrier, and manoeuvrability, which means Optimus is burdened in a sense. But Mech has already shown how relentless they were, and that they were not shy in dishing out torture, so he hoped Optimus would not find himself on the table like Breakdown.

"Bulkhead to Optimus, rendezvous to my coordinates." Optimus was relieved to hear Bulkhead's voice, though he could hear the shots and explosions through the com link, confirming what was happening on the other side. "I'm in need of back up!"

"We are on our way, Bulkhead!" Optimus responded to Bulkhead immediately. "Stand your ground, Bulkhead, and do not allow them any opportunity to capture you."

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