[VOL 1] CHAPTER 1: A Truth to be Told

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Year 2148.

Sounds of footsteps fill the whole area. People are swarming through the capital of the city of Palcris, where a market is located. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and other goods such as used clothes, used furniture, and so on. Most of the time, the market would be filled with seasonal fruits as it's currently their hot-selling item in the capital. Children would often come here to either play or listen to a street singer singing next to the busy road.

Capital City of Palcris, Liberadity.

Upon agreeing on the truce between humans and Deviants a hundred years ago, Liberadity had decided to build a capital city, that was fitting for both humans and Deviants alike. Not separated by race, this country is well respected for its sincerity and generosity in accepting foreign visitors to live in such a country. The city of Palcris also has an academy to which they'll train the finest knights amongst humans and Deviants. The Paladin Academy. Most of them are Deviants, however some of them are also humans who were assigned there.

"Thank you for the Apples, sir!" She said with a smile.

"You're very much welcome miss." The store owner replied.

She then turns to her left, only to see the two boys sitting near the fountain, slacking off as they have a conversation between them. Slowly she pouts as she walks towards them, catching their attention.

Noticing her closing in, the two stood up, frozen in place. The nervous feeling of making her mad is the last thing they're hoping to do. Whenever they slacked off, they'd either be yelled at by her or their senior. One of the boys turns to his right, cocking his head, asking what they should do. His friend shook his head, not knowing how to answer the question. As they were communicating with each other using signals, they felt an intense gaze staring at them.

Looking down to the ground slowly, they were ready to be yelled at by their friend. Suddenly, their mouth was shoved with an apple that was small enough to enter the whole mouth. Both took a few steps back, surprised by her actions.

The girl laughs as tears of joy come flowing through her eyes. Holding her stomach to keep the laughter in so she won't cause too much of a ruckus. The two boys then took out the apple from their mouths, one of them started to bite it as he thought it'll be a waste to just throw it away.

"Ann... please don't just shove them into our mouths..." Arashi said as he continued to sit down at a seat near the fountain.

"Yeah, who knows, you could've broken our jaw." Continued Kazuya while biting the apple he was holding.

"Hehe, apologize. I just couldn't help myself." She replied with a grin.

Arashi Aoi

-A young orphan who was adopted by a friend of his late mother. The man who adopted him, appears to be the strongest Edifier in the world, with being the youngest to reach the Commanding Edifier at the age of mid-30s.

Ann Shiro

-Daughter of the current grand duke of Palcris, Sir Shiro. Constantly attending royal family parties and official meetings on behalf of his father, she's currently the next in line to the throne for Liberadity's Queen title.

Kazuya Kenji

-A fearless boy with a heart of gold. Son of the head doctor of Liberadity, he was taught medicine by his father when he was young and intends to use the skill he learned in the mid of the battlefield. His father, Doctor Kenji was given the title "Head Doctor" after he managed to save the country from a deadly plague a few years ago.

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