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"Arashi, can you take care of the reports? Devon and Koi are calling me for the rookie's sword training session at the yard. Rika also needs me to have a look on her sniper rifle as soon as I'm finished with the rookies." Xander pats the captain on his shoulder while he walked towards the front door.

Not able to give him a reply, Arashi sighs. He went inside the captain's office, and he immediately notice a pile of paperwork reports that needs to be done by today. Before starting, he stared at the pile of papers. As he groans softly, Arashi sits on the chair, and starts with the first report.

Unlike Xander, who usually fills the report with simple yet quite detailed writing, Arashi hates the hassle, and wrote simple sentences regarding the previous mission. Every time it's his turn to report something, Xander always needs to make sure that the captain writes the report carefully and to not be lazy when writing it.

As he was writing, a knock was heard from his office door. Without wasting any time, the boy called in the person in question. The doorknob slowly opens. Behind the door, was none other than one of his teammates and the unit's high officers, it was Antho. He approaches Arashi who was busy filling up the reports.

"May I take a seat captain?" She asked.

"Sure, go ahead." He replied while he dribbles on the paper.

The atmosphere was quiet than usual. This is most likely since it's only been a few days after their Edifier left them alone, while still in the middle of a mission. Not only that, but a few casualties also happened along the way, all thanks to the previous Edifier who doesn't know how to navigate the battlefield well.

He peeked of the report that he's writing. She chuckles.

"Captain, if Xander knows this, he'll be very angry with you." Antho says as she took out a chocolate bar from her pocket.

"... Don't let him know then." Arashi replied, with his eyes still locked on the report.

Antho is one of the members who was transferred along with Koi, Beetle and Rose. The reason she's quite close with Arashi, is due to that both are the same age, have the same background and interest. Not only that, just like Arashi, she also uses a sword as her weapon of choice. Meaning, she'll usually attend Devon's and his training whenever she's free.

The captain then takes the next paper of the report. Gently, the paper was placed on the wooden surface. He took the pen to his right and starts to write it. However, none of the ink came out, making the paper stayed clean.

"Do you need a new pen?" Antho asked.

"Yes, thank you." He replied, accompanied with a soft gaze.

Seeing the captain slowly changes, she smiled. Since the first time they met, he was too wary of the new members, now he's not only comfortable with her but with all of them.

Now, due to a lack of an Edifier, all the reports won't be reviewed even if they wrote it, hence why Arashi didn't care much about it in the first place.

Antho stood up and walked behind her, where a shelf was built. A bunch of stationaries are placed there. Old books, old reports, old writing materials and much more. As she was looking for a pen that the captain can use, she saw an old photograph that was slid in between two books.

She carefully takes it out. A writing was visible on the back of it. "Remember us." She quoted the text. As the picture was flipped, her eyes widened.

The picture shows an old picture with the previous Specter Unit members, along with the previous captain. At the time, the captain was a female, since she was older that most of the members. Her eyes move to the right, Antho became stunned. On the corner, a young Arashi, possibly around fourteen-years-old was standing next to a few members who were older than him.

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