[VOL 1] CHAPTER 4: Specter Unit

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07 January, Year 2151

Sounds of bullets are firing across the battlefield. The rubbles that were caused by Atraxes were blocking their way to advanced. This made their mission goes on hold, while the frontline members finish dealing with the Atraxes that ambushed them.

The members from the back are defending themselves, as they are carrying supplies for the frontline members to use, this goes for bullets, guns and medical supplies. As when they thought they were able to handle the ambush, statics was heard from the member's ear.

"This is Wolf. We're seem to be getting more of these guys. Edur, how's it on your end?"

"The same goes for me Wolf. They're suddenly swarming us from all over the place. How's it going for you, Yellow Jackal?"

"I'm doing fine so far, though the numbers are increasing rapidly than before." She replied.

From afar, a girl was laying down, with a sniper rifle. Her right hand then touches the communication device on her ear.

"This is Eagle. You guys can focus on the front, I got your six. However, we may need him to come out if it's necessary."

Just as she said that, an explosion was heard near to the south, where Yellow Jackal was stationed. A huge pile of smoke then surrounds the area. Turns out, the enemy, or those Atrax brought one of their best fighters, the Mimics. The explosion earlier was caused by one of the Mimics, who was using a former Paladin's body, who coincidentally brought explosives with him when he was mimicked.

The explosion caused some pretty decent damage to those who were near where Yellow Jackal was stationed. As soon as the smoke cleared out, Yellow Jackal yelled.

"I'm hit, and so does the others who were with me. We're taking heavy fire, I repeat, we're taking heavy fire!" She said as she continues to check up on the Paladins who were with her.

Hearing it over their device, the three others were in disbelief. How could a Mimic be this near with them already? They haven't even reached the center of the battlefield yet. Then, what looked like a seventeen-year-old boy, came out from the jeep while holding his assault rifle. Along with some backup ammos.

Behind him, two other men came out from the vehicle, also bringing their weapons with them. One of them was carrying an LMG, while the other is holding his sword, along with his Glock.

"Wolf, this is Beetle. Along with Orange Fox and Koi. We'll be giving aid to Yellow Jackal." He said as he hung his gun around his shoulder.

Though it's great to send support to a fallen station, the risk for them getting attack is high. A static was then heard once again from their communication device.

"Wolf, I got their back. You should focus on what's in front of you." She said as she shoots towards the enemy. It was loud enough to be heard from where Beetle, Orange Fox and Koi were standing.

Admitting defeat, Wolf sigh. He then gives the three men the green light, meaning that they can proceed with the rescue mission.

"Alright, thank you, sir. Both of you, let's go!" Beetle said as he starts to run towards south, followed by the two other men.

Behind the jeep, was a worn-out SUV. Inside the vehicle, was filled with information and strategies to completing the mission. The communication device on the seat next to him then made a sound.

He pushes the button, then picks up the mic and places it next to his ear. He spoke.

"Go for Ghost."

"Captain, this is Wolf. It seems we might be in a tough spot."

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