[VOL 1] CHAPTER 5: The Two Edifiers

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A day has passed since the ambush. Currently, the Paladins from the Specter Unit are having breakfast, that was cooked by members who knows their way around the kitchen. The captain always told them, that a battle with an empty stomach, can result in failure, so they were told to always eat their fill, even if they're not going to battle.

Wolf, who was sitting next to both Edur, Beetle and Koi, asked for the salt to be passed to him. Across the table, were Yellow Jackal, Eagle, Rose and Antho. The seven of them have been together since the first day they joined, while Wolf joined a few months earlier than them.

The cafeteria is full of Paladins under the Specter Unit led by Ghost. One might even ask if the incident yesterday had any effect on them. However, they all managed to cope with it, since it has been happening for a long time. In their opinion, instead of mourning them until they die, they want to remember them by doing their best to survive in the battlefield.

"Here's the salt, Xander." She said as she hands the small bottle of salt.

"Thank you, Rika." He replied.

"Devon, can you teach me how to use a sword again after this?" asked Carl as he munches down his slice of chicken.

Instantly, she shook her head. "No, you're hard to teach, Carl." Devon said as she looks the other way.

Xander Berkeley, the Vice Captain for the Specter Unit. Also familiar with his codename "Wolf". As he's known Ghost for quite some time, he'd sometime knows all the captain's response even before he said it. Hence, why he always needs to be the one documenting most of the mission and expedition reports, since he knows that Ghost hates documenting.

Devon Sinclair. A dual sword wielder, bearing the codename "Yellow Jackal". Just like Xander and Carl, she's a human. Though, this doesn't pull her down, in fact it inspires her to be one of the best female human Paladin in history. Whenever she's free, she'll teach some of the members self-defense using a melee weapon, since that's her specialty. It was also a request from Ghost to teach them self-defense using either a knife or something sharp.

Rika Adenette. She was given the codename "Eagle" due to her excellent accuracy while using her sniper rifle. Unlike the other three, she's a deviant, who can manipulate the wind, or specifically, she's able to manipulate her bullets using the wind to wherever she wants. Reason why she's often placed on high grounds than the other Paladins whenever they head to battle.

Carl Greyes, younger than the others with only being fifteen-year-old, he's able to keep up with Ghost's intense training, making him Ghost's pupil and the unit's second fastest swordsman, with their captain being the first. Assigned to the Specter Unit a few months after Rika and Devon arrived, he was treated as a younger brother by the three, including Ghost.

The four of them are considered as "Officers" here in the unit as they are one of the strongest, and most reliable Paladins whenever they're stuck in an impossible situation. They were also personally picked by Ghost to act as the unit's "Top Defense Liners" to keep the unit safe.

On the distance, you can see Ghost sitting alone, while munching down his sandwich. Unlike the other foods, he made this himself. As for the reason he doesn't take the prepared food, "I want the members to have enough food for themselves." Is what he said.

However, sometimes he'll be forced to take the prepared food by his comrades. Sometimes, they even shoved bread to his face.

Observing him for a while from the table, Xander places his cutlery on the used plate. Then, he stood up and walk towards the captain. Noticing one of his men is approaching him, Ghost places his half-eaten sandwich on a plate, and it was moved to the side. Though, Xander didn't instantly sits down, instead he asked first.

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