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06th January 2151

"Kazuya, I'll need you to join an expedition through the mid lane of the battlefield, since you're the expert on that area." The Commanding Edifier spoke to him while sitting on the chair in front of him. Nicole Kolya, the current Commanding Edifier after Rez was demoted to a captain after the Tarviant incident three years ago.

Not replying instantly, the boy sighed. His right hand is currently holding the military hat that was given to every Edifier. The outfit he's wearing is the official Edifier uniform, however, since he's ranked Major, he's equipped with rank badge on the left side of his pocket. Accompanied with a pickle green blazer and black pants, along with a red tie, it fits well with his goldish eyes and white colored hair.

Nicole peeks at the Edifier guard that was standing near the door. She ordered him to leave the room, leaving Kazuya and Nicole alone. The Edifier nods. He then left the room as the door closes.

Instantly, Kazuya throws himself on the chair while placing the hat on the table besides him. His hand moves to his collar as he loosen his neck tie. Carefully, his left hand unbuttons the collar, so the air will enter the neck area. From the distance, Nicole chuckled, seeing him acting all lazy.

"You didn't even try to hide it." She says.

"Well, Miss Kolya. I was too tired dealing with more of the lower rank Edifier's problem, I didn't sleep a wink. With Ann spending time with Nathalie, I had to cover her report works to the professor." Kazuya spoke as he took a bite of the cookie that was placed on Nicole's chair.

The woman shook her head, amused with the young Edifier's reasoning.

"Speaking of Ann, there's something I must show you, and no, It's not the expedition." She said as she moves her mouse's cursor to open a file. Curious, Kazuya stood up and walked behind her. He leans a bit to the front, so he can see what's being displayed.

A file name "Classified Hardcore Unit" was seen on the screen. It was place under a lock pin, meaning no one can have access to it unless you have the authority and pin number. As the file opens, images regarding the "Hardcore Unit" were shown on the screen, this includes battle aftermath, Paladin's death list, and many more. On top right, you can see the date when the unit was created. Kazuya's eyes widened.

It's showing that the unit was created on the day when the Tarviant incident occurred. Meaning, it was created right after Arashi was taken, along with Rez for a penalty conference. He took a few steps back after he was shocked with such information. This made him wonder something crucial.

"The- The date... Miss Kolya. Is he, is Arashi alive...?" The words were uttered from his mouth while he trembles in confusion. Seeing the Major's face expression, she looks away with guilt. "I'm sorry, that information was hidden from me by the king himself. So, I don't know..." Nicole's fingers rubbed her forehead, indicating she's puzzled with the boy's current whereabouts.

Arashi Aoi. Right after he was taken, it was told by the current Section Commander at the time, that the Tarviant was thrown to the battlefield, and suffered severe injuries. They also told the people of Liberadity that Arashi, a filthy Tarviant died eaten by the Atraxes. However, some rumors appeared, saying that the boy was killed by the Edifiers themselves and others said that he was experimented and died on the process.

"After he was taken, both me and Ann were sent to the Royal Academy. Unlike other Edifiers, we weren't allowed to participate in any expedition until we were fourteen. For two years, I was able to survive and ranked up to Major by joining the expeditions, however... Ann couldn't join them. Due to her unstable emotions after Arashi's death, her heart closes itself. Making her only talking to me, and Nathalie, who was her neighbor back when we were kids."

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