[VOL 2] CHAPTER 2: Life of The Paladins

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A month has passed since Ann became the Specter Unit's Edifier. Throughout the whole month, they go by the same routine every day. For once, there were no deaths ever since they got a new Edifier. As mentioned before, Kazuya doesn't count as the Edifier for the Specter Unit, since he has his own sector to supervise, which he'll go to the battlefield himself, unlike Ann who stays in the CR.

Though, he'll visit her occasionally and the whole team whenever he's free. Sometimes, he'll also bring some food for her, even though she always declines the offer. Every now and then, Ann would have a conversation with the Paladins, trying to not put a barrier between them and herself.

However, she still doesn't get across Arashi, or to her, the captain. He's still the mysterious, nonchalant, simple person since the day they met. Though, the only thing that irritates her sometimes... were the written reports by him.

"Huh?" She said as she turns the paper back and front.

"What..." Her hand continues to check the other piece of papers that's on her desk. Her eyes slightly widened.

"You got to be kidding." She mumbles to herself with a disappointed tone.

Not wasting anytime, Ann presses the PASCOD on her ear, and switch it to the officers channel, which includes Arashi, Xander, Rika, Devon and Carl. As the five of them enters the call, a male voice was heard. "Good evening, Mi-" He couldn't complete his sentence, as it was cut off by Ann.

"Yes, good evening, captain. Mind telling me what's with this report you wrote about the last mission?" She said with a tight yet soft tone.

Realizing what the topic of the conversation was, Xander burst into laughter, followed by a chuckle by both Rika and Devon. Carl's face is showing a grin towards Arashi.

In fact, the captain himself has no idea why they're laughing. As she mentioned regarding his recent report, he also has no idea what's the problem with it. Did he write something wrong? Did she encounter a misspelling?

Confused, Arashi asked. "What's the matter, Miss Edifier?" His voice was heard through the PASCOD. As she couldn't hold the issue anymore, she explained to him. "Captain, I know that you hate writing reports... But please make an effort on filling the description section of the paper..." She complained to the captain, while knowing that he really thinks writing a report is a hassle, unlike Xander.

Ann leaves a big sigh that was heard through the device. "You did nothing wrong captain, however, it's the lack of information when you're writing the report is the issue. You do know that I'll be reviewing it and send it to the high-ups, right?" She said with a soft tone. As a matter of fact, she's unsure on how the captain will respond to this issue. Carefully, Arashi spoke.

"... I see no problem with it Miss Edifier." He said while taking his seat on the couch near the fireplace.

As she heard his response, Ann immediately pouts, showing a sign of rebellion against him. "Captain, please do it correctly next time..." The voice was soft and pleading than earlier, which was more demanding. For once, Arashi became stiff. He looked to the other side of the room, where Xander was. From his point of view, it's clear that the vice-captain is enjoying the moment as he has the smirk on his face.

Feeling slightly guilty, Arashi gave up. He admits his fault to Ann. "Alright, I'll write it carefully next time..." He said as he glares at Xander again who was chuckling.

Realizing the gaze, Xander shuts his own mouth and acts like nothing happened.

Out of the blue, one of the Paladins called the five of them to have dinner. Carl, Xander, Rika and Devon immediately head to the cafeteria to get their portions of food. While Arashi, was still talking to their Edifier. Trying to break the tension, Ann asks him a question.

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