[VOL 1] CHAPTER 2: Turning a Blind Eye

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Fire came roaring across the battlefield. Black smoke came clouding the whole area that was filled with soldiers alike. Debris scattered across the field. A horror that never ends.

A day has passed since the talk regarding their applications to the academy. On the battlefield, Rez is leading a unit of Paladins, with the combination of fire, wind, and water energy. As the Commanding Edifier, he is in charge of both attack strategies and the defenses throughout Liberadity. They are all divided into three teams, which each includes all three elements with Rez being in the centre of it all.

"Commander, the other teams have successfully reached their destination, we are now waiting for your order." One of the Paladins said as he placed his left palm on the sword grip.

"Alright, well done," Rez replied with a soft tone.

"I'm sorry if I'm going out of line sir, but shouldn't you be getting yourself to safety first?" The Paladin from earlier steps towards him but keeps a distance between them as a show of respect.

As an Edifier, other than being a strategist, they are to always focus on their safety first than the Paladins. This is because Edifiers are the head commands in any war they go, meaning other than winning the war, their survival is also a top priority. Paladins are often given instructions on how to act and given the strategy for them to use that was prepared. They're also sometimes used as pawns and sacrifices just for the Edifier's safety. That's how bad it is the relationship between the two ranks.

However, indeed, Edifiers are mostly filled with arrogant and self-centered people, it's a different case for Rez. Unlike any other, he will use himself as a shield to protect the Paladins. Since Paladins, are mostly teenagers, and the youngest to join them are around five to six years old. He doesn't want any innocent people to die for such arrogant people, hence why he offered to accept as many Paladins as he can to his unit.

Hearing his suggestion, Rez cracked a smile. He pats the Paladin's shoulder softly. The young man flinched for a few seconds, wondering why he was treating a person like him with such respect.

"Isn't it supposed to be my job as the leader to be on the front lines?" He said with a chuckle.

The boy's eyes widened. He's shocked by the statement. He couldn't help but smile, a sense of relief was flowing through his mind. Out of the blue, the walkie-talkie that was hung around his waist statics.

"C... Commander! This is South Unit, we're taking heavy... fire by the Tarviants, and..."
Rez walked closer toward the young Paladin. Carefully he takes the device from his waist and clicks the response button.

"... They brought the mimic with them! AGH-" The connection from the walkie-talkie was cut off.

Hearing from the corner, his face became pale. Without saying a word, Rez moves his hands, forming a gesture to the Paladins telling them to get ready for an enemy attack. Immediately, he calls three men to accompany him heading south, where the South Unit was attacked.

The three men came towards Rez, with weapons and ammo for them to use to give aid to South Unit. The young Paladin gets closer to the Commanding Edifier, bringing his sword with him. Noticing the boy, Rez gave him a sincere look.

"If you're scared, you know you don't have to come."

"If so, then I've failed as a Paladin sir!"

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