[VOL 2] CHAPTER 3: Until Death do Us Apart

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As the blazing fire roars front of him, the boy stood there without moving a single inch. His gaze across the battlefield, were colder than that of Rez's. The grip of his hand tightens as he holds his sword, the one that was bought for him three years ago. His white cloak wavers due to the heavy wind.

He slowly moves forward, stepping through fires that was displayed in front of him. Not once, did he flinch, the thought of him burning due to the flames never came across his mind. One thing remains however, and that is to make sure the mission is a success, without any casualties.

"Commander Kenji!" A voice was heard coming from behind him. Without any hesitation, he turns back.

It was one of the Paladin that's in the unit he was assigned to. As an Edifier, he'll be referred to as "Commander" as a show of respect, though numerous times he told them to just call him by his name, however, they wouldn't dare to do so.

The commander that the Paladin referred to, is Kazuya Kenji. He is known for his achievement in the royal academy. Not only his academics were superb, his sword skills and fighting style are almost similar to Rez, who's known as the strongest human Edifier in history. Kazuya would often be sent to the battlefield to clear up any mission or issue in an instant, he is what the academy would call... a "Prodigy".

"What is it, captain?" Kazuya asked as he wipes off the blood that was spilled on his sword's blade.

To answer his question, the Paladin pointed out a direction that they discovered which might be the Atraxes and Mimics temporary nest. Though, that's not all, he also mentioned another creature that might also be staying among them... a Widow.


A creature that's height resembles a military tank. Its skin is as hard as a skull, with only a blade is strong enough to pierce through it if the person has dedication. Unlike mimics, this creature can't mimic anyone. However, it has a mind of its own, hence why they are referred to as one of the deadliest creatures amongst the three. Widows tend to lead Atraxes and Mimics to the destination they'll be attacking, in other words, the Widow acts as their leader in the battlefield.

Though, they're not as intelligent as a human or deviant, their strength is what makes them dangerous, which is being able to attack from a long range.

As the Paladin mentioned the word "Widow", Kazuya became stiff. His face became even colder than before. He turns around, while sliding his sword back to its scabbard.

"Call our men, tell them we'll be heading to the Widow's territory." His words were direct and cold, as if he knows the danger they're up against. Though, he didn't mean to frighten his men, he's still not used to it having to order people around, so he doesn't know if his words were harsh or not.

Ignoring his dilemma, one of his unit's jeeps arrived in front of him. He enters the vehicle. Taking the walkie-talkie that was hung on his belt, he spoke.

"We're entering a hot spot area that was marked by one of our lookouts. It is said that there's a high possibility that a Widow is commanding the Atraxes and Mimics. Please make sure to be careful and call for me if you need my help. Rest assured, I'm not doubting your abilities, but I want us all to make it back one piece."

Hearing that, his men became even composed than before. The assuring word by their commander seems to be working.

As they moved towards the nest's direction, Kazuya got a call from one of his advisors. "Yes, go for Kazuya." He replied while his eyes are staring outside. Statics were heard before the voice became clear. Seems to show how far they've gone from the promised location. "Major Kenji, I am to inform you that you are not allowed to go this far from the radar. What if anything happens to you? You'll be far from our detector that'll-" The person seems to be a female Edifier from the base. Though, her voice was cut off by him.

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