[VOL 1] CHAPTER 3: Shattered Heart

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The day to apply for the Royal Academy has finally arrive. As the Commanding Edifier, Rez was told to give a speech amongst the crowd, to explain what Edifiers do, what the rookies will learn in the academy, and what's the benefit for them when they join. Standing at the lectern, next to him, was the Vice Commanding Edifier, Nicole Kolya. A thirty-four-year-old woman, one year older than Rez. She was his senior back when they were still students in the academy.

Central Park, the largest park in Liberadity, located in the city of Palcris, is where the event is being held. As they usually hold the event or entrance ceremony at the academy, this year they decided to change the location due to the huge list of applicants.

Surrounding the whole park, were the current Edifiers who have been serving the country and the king for almost five years. In the middle, were the applicants with their family members, attending the ceremony to witness this historical moment, raising new generations of Edifiers.

Kazuya, who is quite tall for a thirteen-year-old boy, is currently standing next to his father, Doctor Kenji. While Ann on the other hand, was told to take a seat by Luke, the head butler for the Shiro family. Both are standing right in front of the stage, where Rez and Nicole are standing.

Arashi, however, stands alone, not too far from his two friends. He doesn't mind the loneliness, since he knows that he won't feel that way anymore once the three of them gets accepted to enter the academy.


The crowd slowly became quiet, giving space so the speech can be heard.

"My name is Rez Olezka, the current Commanding Edifier here in Palcris. Next to me, is the Vice Commanding Edifier, Nicole Kolya, a partner, and my senior. Please to make your acquaintance. On behalf of the whole academy and the Edifiers, I would like to welcome you rookies, to the academy."

As soon as he stopped, the whole crowd starter to clap their hands. Admired and moved by the man's speech. Some even gave a whistle to show their full support. Nicole then moves her hands up and down, telling the crowd to calm down so Rez can continue his speech.

"I thank you all for your full support over the years. I'm glad. As the Commanding Edifier, it is my job to make sure everything goes well in this event, both for your safety and entertainment, along with the rookie's entrance ceremony. My partner, Nicole, will be giving you all a quick brief regarding the role of our academy's students, and what they'll learn."

The man steps to the right, giving space so that Nicole can move over to the lectern. In an instant, she's already in her place and the speech paper already on the wooden top.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Nicole Kolya, the current Vice Commanding Edifier. I'll cut to the chase. The rookies will first of learn to wield the weapon of choice. Of course, if you already have a weapon of your own, you are free to bring it to the academy. For those who don't, however, will be able to select those weapons in the academy's infirmary store. It is handled by the academy's Elite III members."

Elite III.

-A three men team with one captain, consist of the academy's top three strongest students. Their authority at the academy is second to the Commanding Edifier. Meaning their orders are that important. They are basically high officers here in the academy.

"The students will be divided by two, humans and deviants. However, in dorms, each of them will have a pair of both deviants and humans in each room. This is so there won't be any race related issues and to keep each other's safe. As to what you will learn, is first the history on how the Edifiers were created, along with the Paladins. Other than that, training sessions for both elemental and weapons will be held three times a week, to make sure that none of you get too rusty, until you suddenly forget how to wield a weapon."

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