The Clockwork vs. the Entertainer. Final. Time

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"Gah!" Terrick flew through the air as lightning erupted from the cut wound on his body. He fell to the ground, rolling. 
"COME ON. SHOW ME SOMETHING ENTERTAINING!" The Entertainer roared. Terrick stood up, gasping for air as he held the needle in his hand.

Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick

"RAH!" He was slashed again, flying into the air as lightning erupted on his body again. He grabbed onto one of the broken TV monitors and tried to push himself off it, to get some distance. 
"Oh, no you don't!" The Entertainer appeared in front of Terrick, planting a stab into his abdomen. He cried out in pain as lightning erupted from the wound, burning into his flesh. The Entertainer swung his body around, allowing the blade to guide Terrick's body. He threw him against the window, making him fall out into the courtyard again. He rolled over the ground, hitting a giant spike sticking out the ground. 
"A spike..." Terrick said weakly as he looked over his shoulder at the giant white pillar. 
"KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME!" The Entertainer roared as you heard the sound of a thunderclap. The wall broke apart as he flew out of it, moving as a blue light through the air, turning into purple lightning.
"ELECTRIC SHOWSTOPPER!" He yelled, slashing Terrick. Terrick moved up the pillar, breaking it apart. He flew into the night air.
"I can't...hold on much more." 

Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick 

"I need to do something." Terrick thought as he pushed himself off the ground, grabbing another one of those spikes. This one smaller. He cut his hand on it as he looked at it.
"What even is this...This wasn't here before." Terrick looked around, pressing his body against the pillar, trying to get a read on The Entertainer.
"Are you looking for something?" The Entertainer stood behind him. He turned around, holding up the needle.

Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick 

"Oh look at you. Barely grasping at straws, trying to stand tall against me." The Entertainer walked around him. The Entertainer was wearing his refined shoes and pants. His sword was held in one hand and his scarred body was on full display. His purple psychotic eyes locked on Terrick.

Terrick on the other hand was wearing only his pants and his wrist bag. His black hair had turned bronze-colored from using his overclock ability, but there was weakness in his eyes. He was bleeding out from a lot of seared and scarred burn wounds. 

"Do you really have nothing left? You can't even keep-" The Entertainer said.
"UP WITH ME!" He roared, planting a swift cut to Terrick's back. The lighting erupted from his back as he screamed and fell forward, landing in the dirt.

Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick 

"You have no entertainment value." The Entertainer said as he walked up on one of the spikes, his shoes clicking against the white layer underneath him. He stood up on the spike and moved his hands into the air. He looked at the second floor of the main building. 
"ARE YOU ENTERTAINED, MASTER?!" The ENtertainer roared. You could see two silhouettes in the dimly lit room. 
"Oh, they are watching me. I never felt more loved and adored!" He laughed out manically as he grabbed his hair.
"I better give them a good last show!" He roared as he turned around. Terrick had gotten up and fled. 

He was running through the forest, trying to find anything.
"I can't hold on much longer." He thought.

Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick 

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