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After Aster had left out once they were done talking, Serena had gone to bed happy to be able to be able to know that her brother approved of her being around Aster. The next day when Serena woke up she got herself together before she saw that she had a message on her phone. She raised an eyebrow seeing that she had a message. When she saw that it came from Aster she smiled as she read the message.

Aster: Morning Serena, since your brother has approved of me being with you. I will be giving you a sample of what to expect once you and I begin to date one another. I hope you have a good date today. I will be working for most of today so I won't be able to see you today. I will let you know when I'm able to see you.

She locked her phone and hugged it seeing the message. "Thank you Aster." She muttered to herself with a bright smile upon her face

She then left her room and saw that her brother was getting his shoes on. "Hey sis, how about the two of us go out to eat this morning? With the rent being pushed down two hundred I've been able to have spending money and I'd like to do something for you for all that you've done for me."

Serena nodded her head. "Sure thing. I don't have to work till tomorrow so I'm good to go anywhere."

"Alright cool. Get your shoes on then we'll head out, I'll drive."

Serena raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you even have a license?"

"Yes actually, Dad helped me get it while you were in the hospital." Milo said as he showed his license to her

"Alright, well shit. Let's get going." She said as she threw her keys to him

He caught them and the two of them left out after she got her shoes on, when they got into the car Milo had to adjust the mirrors and the chair so he'd be able to comfortably be able to drive the car. Once he was good to go he put the key in the ignition before he drove off, Serena was rather impressed and didn't say anything as he drove them into town. She knew more than a few places that had a breakfast menu, but stiffened when she saw that he was driving her to her work place.

"Why are we here bro?"

"I want to try all of the dishes you had told me about."

She let out a loud sigh before she looked at him. "Fine. But I'm not happy to be here when I don't have to work."

When they got inside they were able to be seated at a small table for two, once they were seated Jesse went up to them, but didn't bring up the fact that he missed talking with her. "What can I get you two to drink?" Jesse asked

"Serena will have the chocolate milk and I'll have the sweet tea."

Jesse nodded his head and he left out, he rushed to the back and he went up to Jaden who was waiting for food for his table. "Jay Rena's here with some guy."

"Some guy? What does he look like?"

"Short brown hair and eyes."

"Oh that's her half brother Milo...Wait why the hell is she here with him of all people?" Jaden asked confused

"I dunno but I have them in my section."

"Well go get their drinks and get what they'll eat. Afterwards we can talk about how to get Serena to talk to us."


Once Jesse had came back to Serena's table with the two drinks, Serena wasn't at the table. "Where did she go?" Jesse asked confused

"She went to the ladies room, but she told me what she wanted. She said that you guys have really good stuffed waffles here. So she said she wanted that and I'm going to have the sausage omelet." Milo stated

Jesse wrote down what he said before he nodded his head. "Alright, I'll be back in ten to fifteen minutes It takes a bit to make the french toast." Jesse said before he left out

He placed the ticket on the line before he went up to Jaden. "I think she's hiding away from me now, she wasn't out there when I came out with their drinks. Her brother said that she was in the bathroom but I doubt that."

"Well serena does have a small bladder. That might actually be true, the times that I've worked with her she barely drinks because she ends up having to use the bathroom too much if she drinks a lot." Jaden said with a shrug

Jesse let out a sigh "This is bull shit, we shouldn't have to come up with a plan to talk to a friend."

"Ah-we're not friends with her anymore remember? She told us that we're not friends with her any more." Jaden said shaking his head

"It's still bull shit." Jesse said with his arms crossed

"We did this to ourselves Jess." Jaden said before he took his plates out

Once Jaden went out he saw that Serena barely touched her drink as she talked with her brother, Jaden gave his table their food before he went to go check up on his other tables. Once he was done he felt his phone buzz in his pocket, so he went to the back to check it only to see that it was Aster.

Aster: Hello to all, I first would like to say that this is a group chat WITHOUT Serena Santos. I do not wish for anyone who wishes to speak ill about Serena for her to know about it, she has spoken to me last night about some doubts that she's had with our group and the fact that she doesn't seem like people actually care about her or is truly her friend. So on the seventh I will be sponsoring a gathering in an area that is property of my company. All of you are to be there at Noon no later-but being early IS encouraged. In this gathering it will show who knows her and who doesn't.

And this last part is for Jesse and Jaden only, if you two do not know what that day is then consider Serena completely off limits to you. I WILL NOT allow you two to talk with her, ESPECIALLY Jaden who has been her friend since childhood, you should know her better than anyone else and if you don't know what that date is then shame on you for even calling her a friend.

Jaden was confused as he saw the message, Jesse soon went up to him with the same confused look on his face. "What is August Seventh?"

"I...I don't know, I don't remember."

Jesse sighed out, "It's not like we can ask her-she tells aster everything it seems."

"I don't like that they are so close...but we need to figure out what that date is and figure out what to do from there."

Jesse was called to get the two plates before he left out to place the plates down, as he did he overheard Milo speak to Serena.

"So your birthday is coming up on the seventh, do you have anything planned for that day?"

"Mhm, I'm going to hang out with Aster on that day. He told me that he was going to plan a party with all of our friends."


"If you want I can ask him if I can invite those who are good to me from our family."

"If you can that, it'd be awesome." Milo said with a smile

She nodded her head. "Sure thing, when he isn't busy at work I'll ask him."

Jesse went up to them with the plates. "Here's your breakfast sorry for the wait."

"It's fine, I hope to see you and the other idiot on the seventh." Serena said with a small smile

"Oh you will, don't you worry about that Serena. Enjoy your breakfast-and actually take your time eating. There's no need for you to rush when you eat." Jesse said before he went back to the kitchen

When he did he went up to Jaden. "Jaden we're fucked, for five years we've completely forgotten Serena's birthday! How could you not know the birthday of your childhood friend!? She always remembers ours!"

Jaden frowned as he realized just how fucked they truly were. "Then we need to make it up to her."

"But how?"

"We'll have to figure something out, for now let's just focus on working."

[Complete]book one:Don't Forget [Yu-gi-oh GX Love story] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now