Chapter 1- Izuku

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I sat in the empty classroom writing in my 14th Hero notebook. Yesterday I witnessed the end of a villain takedown by Ms.Joke. I had gone around after the fight and the police took the villains away to get all the details I missed. I was muttering to myself while I continued to write when I heard the classroom door slide open.

"Stupid deku" I heard him whisper under his breath. I didn't look up from my notebook, I could feel him walking to his desk in front of me. I glanced up as he rounded his desk to sit. He was so handsome, strong, and confident.

His muscles tensed and relaxed as he shrugged his backpack off his shoulder and set it next to the desk legs. I couldn't help but drool over him. The way his arm flexed, his hand grasping his desk chair. How thick his fingers looked as he bent down to tie his shoe he lifted to the edge of his seat. His thick thigh muscles and their contour as his loose school shorts slid up his thigh.

"What's your problem? WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME DEKU?" he asked frustrated as he stood up straight, my eyes meeting his

"Uhh- nothing. Morning Kac-Kacchan." I said looking back down at my notebook my face heating with embarrassment

"Uhhh-nothing" he said mocking me as our classmates walked in

"Sure you fucking nerd." he said as he sat with a frown

"Bakugo be nice. You don't always have to be so rude." Todoroki said as he looked at us sitting down in his desk

"Shut it icy-hot. No one was talking to you." Kacchan said glaring before turning and looking out the windows that lined our side of the classroom

"Ignore him Deku. How was your weekend?" Todoroki asked ignoring Kacchans frustrated groans

"It was kinda boring. Just played video games. How was yours?" I asked him as the rest of our friends took their seats around the room

"Uneventful, besides my dad being an ass like always." Todoroki said looking angry

"I'm sorry." I said as our teacher Mr. Aizawa walked to the front of the room standing behind the podium

"Class has started. Everyone sit down and shut it." he said with authority

We all clambered in our seats as he eyed us all down.

"Today we are going to talk about the Soulmate ritual and what that entails." he said with an annoyed look in his eye

Squeals and a few groans sounded around the room. I felt my heart flutter about the idea of finding out who my soulmate is. Is it someone I know? A total stranger? Would they accept me? Would they reject me? And if they did, how badly would it hurt..?

"I said shut it." Mr. Aizawa seathed as he used his quirk to quiet us all down

Shhs and hushed whispers scattered around the room before total silence.

"That's better. Now get ready to take notes." he said as he grabbed a folder out of his apparent endless yellow sleeping bag wrapped around his body

We all sat up a little taller as we flipped to a new page in our notebooks, pencils in hand ready to take notes as instructed.

The class passed by slowly as Mr. Aizawa read the details of the soulmate ceremony. I couldn't believe our lives would be changing by Friday, New Years. Now finding your soulmate doesn't automatically mean you'll fall in love and will be together. You can either decide to be together or reject your soulmate, but if you decide to reject them you don't get another. It's a one and done kind of deal.

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