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The movie ends and Yeonjun stretches himself. He looks around and sees, Yn sleeping in Jungkook's lap, Ashely and Taehyung sleeping in eachother's embrace, Travis and Nayeon are talking, Jennie and David are watching something in Jennie's phone and Michelle is looking in her phone. He frowns.

Yeonjun: Everyone got good girls and here me..A witch! Even if I touch her a little she just kicks my balls or punches me. Huh!

He speaks to himself mumbling and complaining about Michelle's behaviour towards him. Michelle looks at him and says in a cold voice.

Michelle: I heard you calling me a witch..

Yeonjun: Where's the lie?

He says and rolls his eyes on her. She pinches his cheeks harshly. He groans and pulls her cheeks too. She Hisses and holds a fistful of his hair. He also holds her hair and they both just get into a cat and dog fight. Both of them just curse eachother while pullling eachother's hair.

Yeonjun: Stop pulling my hair!

Michelle: You stop pulling my hair!

Jungkook: You both stop fighting or else I won't hesitate to pull out those tongues of yours if she woke up.

He says protectively on which Yeonjun lets go of Michelle. She took lets go off his hair. Taehyung wakes up and looks at Ashely snuggled into him and then at Yeonjun and Michelle.

Taehyung: Both of you, stay away from eachother for like 50 meters!

Nayeon: He's right..if you kept on staying together then you both will end up killing eachother.

She says and everyone agrees. Jennie looks at Yeonjun and says..

Jennie: Your right cheek has scratch on it.

Yeonjun touches his cheek and feels it burning. He glares at Michelle.

Yeonjun: She has nails as long as witches! No lie-

Jungkook: Yeonjun..

He says in a cold tone on which Yeonjun sighs.

Yeonjun: Fine fine.. It's my fault that I just..leave it.

He says and gets up leaving the room. Michelle watches him leaving.

Travis: I'll be back..

Jennie: Where are you going?

Travis: He might be feeling upset.. he's still a child by heart.

He says and goes behind Yeonjun. Everyone signs and Jungkook looks at Taehyung and finds him looking at him. They both shake their heads in disbelief. Michelle too gets up and goes behind Yeonjun, no one stops her.

Taehyung: I'll just take Ashely to sleep.

He says and gets up picking Ashley in his arms, going upstairs. Jennie looks at the main door and decides to go out to Yeonjun. Nayeon and David decided to go to their houses because they were awake moreover wanted to leave. They all left leaving Jungkook alone. He sighs and gets up with Yn in his arms.

Jungkook: Let's take you to bed princess..

He says and starts to walk away.


Travis: Hey.. atleast let me look at it once..

Yeonjun: No it's fine.. it's not that deep.

Travis: But atleast a little bit?

Jennie: Yeah, we can atleast see-

Yeonjun: Leave me alone!!

He says a bit frustrated. Michelle then cups his cheeks looking at the scratch.

Yeonjun: Leave me-

Michelle: Shut up!

He stills tries to move away from her grip but she holds him tight.

Michelle: I'm sorry...

He stops when she looks at him in the eye. He looks away and says..

Yeonjun: That's fine..

He then steps back but still she doesn't lets him go.

Michelle: It stings right? You want me to apply some antiseptic?

Yeonjun: No I'm fine.

He says and gets away from him. Her touch gave him butterflies all over his cheeks and stomach and heart.


Jungkook goes home and opens the door of his house but it was unlocked. He knew his father is inside. He walks inside without any expressions and stops when he sees his dad.

Jungkook: What brings you here?

He asks straight getting to the point. His father gets up and looks at him.

Mr. Jeon: You know exactly why I am here.

Jungkook: I'm working on it. She trusts me enough to not to suspect me.

Mr. Jeon: Good..but remember one thing, you're helping me in this doesn't means I'll accept you as my son.

He says making Jungkook's heart pinch.

Jungkook: Neither I want you to. I grew up without you and I'll die without you too. I don't need you sympathy.

He says on which Mr. Jeon just nods and walks away leaving Jungkook in anger and sadness. He started to get flashbacks.

Flashback --

His aunt: But why? What he has done to you? Look.. he's 7 now. He obviously needs his father!

Mr. Jeon: Keep him with you or abandon him, I don't need a murderer in my family!

His aunt: Murderer?! Seriously?! She died while giving birth to him what he has done to-

Mr. Jeon: Exactly! He's just a badluck for me! He came and my wife died, what else will happen if I keep him with me huh?! I don't need him, he's not my son!!

7 year old Jungkook just heard his father's words about him which made him cry. He decided never to get back to his father and stay with his aunt only. He just found out why he lives with his aunt not mom or dad and why he has never seen them before.

Years later, when he turns 15, his aunt dies due to some medical issues and he starts to live all alone but there was someone who was always there for him..who?

When he turns 23, his father asks him to work with him but also gives him a mission to accomplish, he wants Mr. Han's business to collapse. But they were friends, then why? Jungkook still has to figure it out and this is why he's Yn's Bodyguard for now.


Jungkook sighs and gets in his room straight in the shower. He takes a long shower thinking and thinking about things in his life. He remembers the guy who first asked him to join in his work, Jung Hoseok, his Hobi Hyung.

He then thinks about his works and Yn. He realises that he's going to take away everything from her, not properly him but his father, who doesn't even acknowledges him as his son. He feels bad for it but also what he has decided is to shift in states after he receives his money to complete this mission.

"I don't know if I'm doing right or not because..all it feels is that.. it's just so wrong."

To be continued..

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