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She gets up from his lap and starts leaving. He pulls her again on his lap.

Jungkook: Why are you this much angry on me little one?

He says as he snuggles in her neck and kissing her neck softly. She sighs before removing his hands away from her waist.

Yn: You've hurted me alot and you're asking me why am I so angry on you? Seriously?

She says looking at him with no expressions. He looks at her, Whenever he does, it feels like living dream from which he will get up in 6 months if he failed to prove he is innocent.

Jungkook: But when I haven't done it-

Yn: I can't believe you..

Jungkook: You don't trust me?

Yn: Honestly, no.

She says and gets up leaving him there all alone. He sighs and shakes his head in disbelief.


He says yelling as he gets up going behind her.


Jungkook was getting ready for office as he comes down, he sees Yn wearing her outfit which she used to wear while riding bikes. He frowns and asks..

Jungkook: You're going somewhere love?

Yn: I'm running away.

She says tieing up her shoelaces. He chuckles.

Jungkook: You can't run away, I'll find you somehow.

She looks at him with a side eye and speaks...

Yn: it's not like you're going to stalk me.

Jungkook: Hm.. I'll not, but where are you going?

Yn: Yeonjun called me, he said there's a bike race today..I thought of going there.

Jungkook: And.. you're participating?

Yn: Yeah..

Jungkook: No you're not..

He says as he crossed his arms. She looked at him raising an eyebrow.

Yn: And why is that so?

Jungkook: Because, when you're racing, you don't know when you'll stumble or loose balance! No means no that's it.

He says seriously. She looks at him for a moment and continues tieing her shoelaces.

Jungkook: Are you even acknowledging my words?

He says as I gets near her. She also gets up and takes her helmet.

Yn: Yes I am and also, I know how to ride bikes so I'm going to fall or die or something like that.

Jungkook: Alright, and with whom you gonna race? Women or men?

Yn: Men maybe..

Jungkook: No no no you're definitely not going there that's it. I'm sorry but you're not going!

He says in a funny manner according to her but he was actually serious. He holds her by her waist and looks at her.

Jungkook: I dont want you to get hurt precious.

Yn: I'm not going to get hurt I said..

Jungkook: Your saying won't make it happen love, you'll fall and if you actually did then you know it can be serious. You're not going.

He says and he hugs her. She looks up at him and says..

Yn: I was just telling you that I'm going there, I wasn't asking for permission!

Jungkook: Yes and I'm not giving you permission either!

She sighs.

Yn: You know what? Just go to work.

She says as she gets out from his grip. He looks at her knowing if he kept on being this soft with her then she might end up being spoiled. He decided to be a bit strict towards her. Anyway, he lets her go there because he knows in the morning, no one's gonna start the race. Bike races locally always start during nights and that too around 8:00pm. Till then he'll join them too.


It was already 8pm and the boys have joined the girls. Yeonjun came too but couldn't see Michelle with the girls. He realised she might be somewhere alone because the girls aren't talking with her or she would've thought of not coming here. He told Taehyung that he's here and then started to look for Michelle. He went through the crowd and found her standing in a corner all alone. He smiled a little as he approached her.

Yeonjun: Hey..

She looked beside and saw Yeonjun. A smile came up on her lips.

Michelle: Hey! You here?

Yeonjun: Yes, why? I come here every year.. what's wrong?

Michelle: No I mean..Everyone is here, they might be looking for you and you're here with me...

She says a bit hesitantly. He chuckles as he pulls her in a hug.

Yeonjun: Do you think I would leave you alone just because no one else is talking to you?

She feels warm in the hug and she hugs him back. Meanwhile, from upstairs of the arena, Travis was squinting his eyes to see Yeonjun.

David: What are you doing?

Travis: You see Yeonjun and Michelle finally getting into a love chemistry?

David: Huh? Where?!

He says desperate to see it. Travis points where Michelle and Yeonjun were. Not only David, everyone looked there including Yn and Jungkook.

Everyone: Ahh..I see..

Later on, the race started. Jungkook didn't told Yn that he was participating too and he knew he's going to race with her. Yn was getting ready because the MC told her that she's the second one to race. Since there were pairs and only two people at a time, she didn't knew who is her opponent.

Jungkook: I would recommend you to back off precious..take your name back.

Yn: Shut up.

She says as she checks herself if she's okay with her outfit and it won't get stuck in between the wheels. The first couple who were racing were also girlfriend/boyfriend. Her boyfriend wins while she slips over the track. Watching this, Jungkook was even more concerned.

Jungkook: You aren't scared?

Yn: No..

Mc: The Next Pair For The Race!! Han Yn and Jeon Jungkook!!

The mc announces and all of their friends just cheered loudly. She looked at him with wide eyes while he smirked.

Jungkook: You thought I'll let you race with some unknown guy who won't even care if you get hurt?

Yn: Again you played!

He wasn't liking her attitude now. She silently got down and waited on the starting line for him. He came beside her  and the countdown started. She was focused on the way while he was focused on her. The race started and they both were on top speed. He managed to slow down and watch out that she doesn't falls or gets hurt. He was focused on her while she was focused on the goal. As she approached the finishing line, she stumbled a little which made his heart stop for a moment but she managed to balance herself and won. He sighed before getting off and approaching her.

Jungkook: You actually scared me!

He says as he takes out his helmet and watched her taking off her helmet.

Yn: Who told you to come behind?

Jungkook: Ofcourse you're my wife and I was freaking out!

Yn: Unnecessarily..I knew I could handle it!

He sighs before he hugs her tight. The other people who didn't knew they were married adored them.

"I could've never be abled to forgive myself if you would've fell precious."


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