19. confession

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I watched MJ's tall frame walk out the doors swinging harshly at her departure. My chest tightened in discomfort as I pushed back the tears. Why is she walking out like she didn't just kiss Nelly?

So that's a draw , we have successfully managed to hurt each other if at all she cares about me to get hurt.

Everyone's eyes were on me making me feel some type of way.

"Sorry " I mumbled to Kora as I used the back entrance to leave the gym, what was I thinking ?

Tears threatened to fall as I composed myself , why am I feeling like this when she treats me like shit ,but not all the time. Right ?

The walk to the cafeteria was blurry and filled with questions. I had to actually call Sam to keep me company before I drowned in my thoughts.

"Hey bitchhh," Sam shrieked making me place the phone down. I was seconds away from calling her.

" Hey," I said trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

"Okey what's up ?" He asked sitting beside me his slender arms still wrapped around me.

"Is it that obvious  ?"

" Yep ! "

" MJ."

" Mhhh," I answered my head resting on my hand.

" What did she do this time ?" He asked making me laugh.

" Why do you think she did something ?"

" You won't be here if she didn't do anything."

I felt a little guilty that I only called him because I was having love problems.

I catched him up on everything going on minus the intimate moments , he listened carefully not saying a word .

" What do you think ?" I asked wiping my tears , I hate the fact that I am a cry baby.

" Other than the fact that you both like each other."  He thinks MJ likes me.

" You think MJ likes me ?"

" Of course , I've been here longer than you and I know MJ 's character so it's safe to say she likes you."

" Then why is she acting like that," one time she can't get her hands off me another she doesn't even want to look at  me.

" Babe that's something you have to figure out yourself."

" I know."

" So what do you want from all of this?"

" From what ?" I asked not understanding his question.

" You know from whatever you're doing with MJ."

" I don't know," I honestly don't know it's not like we will be a couple or something.

" I know what I was getting myself , into so," I added.

" Do you ?" Okey what's that supposed to mean, Sam is brutally honest he says what's on his mind without sugarcoating.

" What are you saying ?" I asked gulping, hoping he doesn't shred me into tiny little piece's.

He placed his hand on top of mine before clearing his throat.

" MJ is going to hurt your feelings,"
she already has ,"your sensitive and somehow naive."

Okey should I stand up and leave but I asked for his opinion so I should just sit down and sleep on the bed I made.

The Sweetest Fruit ( Tomboy 🏳️‍🌈Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now