14. I hate you

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Fuck you Kora I don't care if you like Sonia she is MINE .

I touched my lips remembering how Sonia tasted and how she moaned whenever I kissed and caressed her .

I've never wanted anyone as bad as I want her and I must have her , after I fuck her this bloody control she has over me will be over . But first I need some kind of release .

I dialed Nelly's number telling her to come to the room and as the good girl she is she said she would be here within half an hour .

" I'm here " she squealed as I smashed my lips with hers before she could talk some more .

" Strip and get on the bed " I ordered as I got rid of my clothes
" Okey mummy  " she said undressing

"Are you not in the mood ?" She asked when I suddenly stopped . I wish you were Sonia I said out loud un intentionally . But she tastes so differently and her moans are only irritating me not turning me on.

My skin isn't burning when she touches me I don't get butterflies I don't get anything with her .

"Fuck you MJ " she said getting her clothes and getting out .

Is it my fault I only want to fuck Sonia

I drank some more alcohol so I could sleep and stop thinking about what Kora and Sonia are doing . Will she sleep with Kora no Sonia is too good to do that . I wanted to call her and know if she got to the dorm or if she is alone but my ego would not let me do that .

The loud banging on the door woke me up my head feeling to heavy for my body to carry .
" What ?" I screamed when the idiot wouldn't stop banging the door .

" You need to leave ma'am " I recognized the voice and knew it was Steve the bars manager .

" Give me five minutes " I collected my belongings and left the bar my head still pounding . I grabbed a coffee to drink on my way back to school .

"Hey dude " I greeted Martha the minute I made it to school to grab my things .

" Hey , you look awful " she said eyeing me up and down
" Don't remind me I'm going to shower " I said making my way to the room
" I'm also coming meet you there " she said looking nervous, what's wrong with her .

Why is the room locked . I took out my keys as realization dawned on me . Today is Saturday when people are going home for the weekend . Shit I won't see Sonia until Monday .

Her bed was made and her side of the room was spotless ,every piece of clothing was folded and all the shoes were in the right place at least I know she is coming back.

"Are you ready ?" Martha asked standing at my door
"Yeah " I said throwing a towel on my shoulder

" I saw Kora and Sonia last night "
" Okey "

" They were kissing " what the hell
" They were ?" Why the fuck would she do this . The ache in my heart felt unbearable as I tried to remain unfazed by the information Martha was sharing .

" Yep "
" Where did you see them ?" I asked anger boiling inside of me

" Outside your room " the hell
" Did they enter "please say no

" Yes they left together in the
morning " there must be some kind of explanation.

" Are you sure ?" I asked feeling as if someone just ran me over with a truck .

I shouldn't have let her leave

" Yes " I remained silent after that  having no strength to engage in another conversation .

I punched the wall several times making blood drip from my knuckles , good thing I don't know where you live Sonia I would have come for you.

By the time I left the common bathroom my knuckles were red and I felt like puking .

I reached the room and started throwing her things on the ground destroying  her perfectly made bed .

" Why did you do that ?" I screamed throwing her books on the ground, why am I feeling like this I just spent three days with Nelly Martha with the bitch I was with . Sonia is mine she is not supposed to be with anyone else .

Pick up pick up I said calling Sonia as the calls went directly to voicemail

' you are the most stupid girl I have ever met I hate you and I regret kissing you in the club I hated every part of it and just wanted to see how cheap you are and now I know . Fuck you Sonia and if you think Kora loves please she is going to dump your sorry ass sooner or later cause your pathetic and a low life that people only like because she has a  huge butt which is good for only fucking '  I sent the voicemail hoping she hears it and cries her eyes out .

I dressed up and left the room in a worse state than I found it

Ever since that girl came into my life it turned upside down and now my world revolves around her . She gets under my skin in ways that I never imagined possible .

"MJ " coach called signaling me to go to him
"Yes " I said going to him hoping the conversation is not long

"How are you ?" He asked zipping his blue jacket
" I'm good and you ?"
" I'm also fine , I wanted to tell you that there will be a match on Friday and we will be going to KCA so inform everyone when they get back "
" Yes coach " I said as he patted my back and entered his car

I scrolled my phone checking the trendy stories on Nairobi gossip as I waited for an Uber

" MJ "
" What do you want Kora ?"
" Stay away from Sonia " she warned getting out of her bike

" Just because you fucked her you think you own her ?"
" What do you mean ?"
" Oh why you acting like you haven't slept with her "
" Excuse you ?"
"Stop with the bullshit I know you and Sonia slept together "

"That is none of your business and just so you know I didn't fuck her "she said getting on her bike and driving off

Okey now I'm confused Kora is not one to lie about such things but Martha said they left together in the morning . 

I will just go home and stop thinking before my head explodes from all of this

The Sweetest Fruit ( Tomboy 🏳️‍🌈Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now