7. World's apart

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I was coming from the library and I still felt guilty for snapping at Sonia. I started avoiding her again and she probably thinks it's her fault but I can't risk her asking me what's wrong, I would literally break down and cry on her shoulder.

I knocked on Martha's door before she opened it wearing a red jersey and a bika short showing off her firm arms and legs.

"Wow I can see all that working out is paying off," I said eyeing her built body.

" Yeah  check this out," she said posing like those body builder's in magazines.

"Why you here?"

"I'm no longer allowed in your room?"

" Come in, and don't talk about that stupid roommate of yours."

"Why you calling her stupid ? And what makes you think I'll talk about her."

"Well she is the only one you talk about and I think she is stupid."

I was about to tell her not to insult Sonia but knew she would say I started liking her again.

" I don't talk about her all the time."

"Well she is the only one you talk about when your with me."

" I don't think so," I said as she rolled her eyes.

" Wanna vape, " she said getting a  vape from her drawer.

I didn't return to my room since I was high as fuck and ended up sleeping on top of Martha's roommate bed since she was not in.

I decided not to attend any lessons today so I headed for my room hoping Sonia was not there. I unlocked the door my movements swift when I saw a body on  her bed shit did she oversleep.

"Sonia wake up your late , classes already began."

" I don't have any classes today," she said her voice groggy.

How convenient the day I choose not to go to class is the day she is free.

I took a quick shower my mind flooding with memories of mum. She was the best woman I knew and she will continue to be. Every tear that escaped was a constant reminder of how warm her fingers were when they used to brush away the tears. So I decided never to cry again if she wouldn't be here to wipe them.

I returned to find Sonia still asleep and I was thankful she wouldn't see my puffy red eyes.

I wore a black button up shirt a black jean trousers and some loafers.

" Your awake," I said tying a rolex watch on my wrist.

" Mhh," she said pouting and I actually found it cute.

I would have asked her to come with me if I wasn't such a scaredy cat. Plus I don't want anyone to see me that vulnerable.

"About last night I'm sorry," I said scratching the back of my head.

" It's fine where are you going looking so nice ?"

" To my mum's grave," I said combing my hair with my fingers.

" Oh god I didn't know your mum was late I'm so sorry," she said her words making my heart swell.

" You didn't kill her why are  you apologizing ?"

"Habits, are you going alone ?"

" Who else am I supposed to go with ?" I asked nonchalantly.

"What about your brothers and dad."

" They don't give a shit about her."

" I'm sure that's not.."

I didn't let her finish what she was about to  say when I took my car keys  black trench coat and left.

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