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Chapter 1: 'Nice' Meeting You

When Jisung left his hometown in Malaysia, he never expected to bump into anyone familiar. He was already having the time of his life as he worked his way up to becoming an idol, even when his parents weren't in favor of that idea.

Upon arriving in Korea and auditioning in JYP, he met Chan and Changbin. They became acquaintances and before they knew it, two became three. He can admit that he was a bit... harsh, but it could be linked to the reason for not having to grow up in such a chaotic life. He doesn't have a clean track record especially when it comes to socializing with people.

Luckily, Chan and Changbin are trying their best to correct the way his wordings are, as some can be quite intimidating or could be misinterpreted. Jisung can understand that they are just taking care of him, though it can still feel a bit too overwhelming.

In the end, they made it work.

It was interesting to every trainee to see how passionate the three of them are, they fell into the rhythm of beats and goes into their own way of discovering how to make their music complement each other. They are made for each other and no one else can deny that.

Even when they were three at first, it quickly became four, then six, then seven. Jisung thought that they are already complete when Minho have been the last to join, however, Chan didn't seem to think the same.

"Just one more." He said, "There's a lot of people who have the potential to grow, Han-ah. Let's give one more chance to pick a last one." Of course, Jisung can't find himself to argue with that as Chan is the one who has picked him to be a part of the group, to grow with them.

If only he didn't pick the worse one out of anyone that he could pick.

Hwang Hyunjin. His mind seethes in fury. It was a familiar face that he despises the most. He didn't even know that he is training here out of all the companies that he could have chosen! Why here? Why does he have to be on the same team as him? The universe truly hates him by bringing him back.

Hyunjin entered the practice room with a warm look casting over his face, his charming smile sending others to fuss over him at how handsome he is and all that jazz that makes Jisung's blood boil.

Jisung clenched his jaw tight, throwing daggers with his eyes toward Hyunjin who is still being talked about in the room. He didn't move an inch from where he is standing and he could witness Chan smiling brightly over at them. It made his heart hurt to reveal such a catastrophe of a past that he has with a certain person.

He chose not to say anything until Changbin notices and nudges him. "Say hi." Changbin gestured to the group. Jisung sighs, not wanting to cause any ruckus and have their suspicions as to why he is hesitating. He didn't want to explain to anyone why he isn't greeting him out of everyone that he had greeted before.

Just as he was about to take a step forward, he and Hyunjin finally made eye contact. It was as if the temperature in the room lowered with the coldness that emits from Hyunjin and Jisung's eyes. The smile on Hyunjin's face slowly slipped, turning into a frown.

Jisung took a deep breath, "Hey." He greeted cooly, hoping that none of the others notice the sudden change of mood. Hyunjin keeps glaring at him, putting on a fake smile.

"Hi." He gritted out, forcing the word to leave him. He puts a hand for Jisung to shake and Jisung couldn't help but stare at the hand, hesitantly taking it. His eyes snapped back to Hyunjin's, they gripped each other's hand tightly with a bit of strength and a heated staring contest going on between them.

"It is nice meeting you ." Jisung shakes their hand, still not letting off eye contact.

"Well!" Chan claps his hand together, getting everyone's attention with the sudden break of silence and from the tension that is slowly building up. "It looks like we are complete!" The others cheered loudly around them while Hyunjin and Jisung are still in whatever bubble of tension they have.

With a hint of disgust, they both pulled their hand away as if they were burned then moved away as far as they could possibly can from each other. Jisung walked over to where he was before, Changbin shooting him a look full of curiosity and confusion.

Jisung knew that he won't be able to avoid Changbin any longer than he would have liked, not when he followed Jisung silently while they are walking home as the others went ahead or stayed behind.

He sighs, stopping in his tracks. "Okay, stop with all the silence. I know that you want to ask me." He breaks the silence between them, looking over to Changbin.

Changbin sheepishly smiled at him, halting on his steps beside Jisung. "What's with the two of you?" He asked. Jisung tilted his head in fake confusion, making Changbin's eyes roll. "Don't play dumb. You and Hyunjin, what's with you two?"

"Ha, no beating around the bush this time, ey?" Jisung tried to make it possibly longer as he thinks of any reason that could explain what had happened. Changbin raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. "Okay! Don't look at me like that. It's nothing really. I just... don't like him." He doesn't really want to reveal anything else. He doesn't want to ruin the bond that Chan has worked hard for already.

"Why not? There must be something more." Changbin pushes, "Are you... jealous?" Jisung blinked furiously at that, not expecting that to be the conclusion.

"Huh?" His eyebrows furrowed, "Jealous? Me?" He denies it by shaking his head, though the longer he thought about it, the more that he wants to use it as an excuse.

Liar. His mind supplies.

It's a reason. He bites back.

Changbin gave him a disbelieving look, they stayed in silence on the sidewalk before Jisung finally spats out. "Okay, fine! You're right. I am jealous and I envy him because why does he get to debut so early!" He knew of this information thanks to Chan telling him after they met Hyunjin, he stored the information away just because.

"Han-ah..." Changbin sighs, "You know that it isn't about how long you have been practicing or something, but the process of it is what matters. Chan sees the potential in him and he believes that we all still have a lot to learn."

He frowns, "I know! I know. Doesn't help the fact that I want to punch his face." He mutters angrily under his breath that didn't go unheard.

"That's... What did he ever do to make you hate him that much?" Changbin tuts disapprovingly.

A lot. He scoffs bitterly in his mind. Maybe, breaking my heart? Abandoning me? Being a fucking shitty boyfriend?

"I don't like the vibes of him." He shakes his head, "Just- Let's just forget about him, Hyung. I want to go home and rest."

Changbin narrows his eyes, "Fine, but if it gets a lot worse between the two of you. I won't hesitate to lock both of you in the closet."

They continue walking back to the dorm. "You sound a lot like Minho-hyung right now, I don't like it."

"That is because it is an honest threat. If Chan-hyung also finds out about this... Well, you know that he's going to give you a whole detailed lecture for hours."

Jisung shudders, "Ah... I'll work on it, hyung. Okay? We're not going to put this to the team."

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