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After I come back from training, I see Leah cooking food. It looks like she is making pasta or something, considering the fact she has raw noodles on the board. The minute I put down my bag, she instantly turns her head and smiles at me. 

"Hey." She says with a smile. I walk up to her and lean on the counter.

"Hey." I say back, as continue to watch her cook. It somehow makes her even more hot than she actually is. 

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asks with a chuckle. 

"Coz my girlfriend is cooking. Im impressed." I say with a grin. She is slightly blushing. 

"Well my girlfriend is watching me like a hawk." She jokes. She finishes boiling the pasta and puts it with the sauce, before putting it in the oven. 

"How long?" I ask.

"Meh. 40 minutes?" She shrugs. 

"Isn't it gonna burn?"

"Pfftt, no way. I can tell you're not a chef." She says with a smile. 

"Trust me, I am horrible at cooking." I say, as she walks over to she sofa. I follow her, as she sits down, patting the seat next to her telling me to sit down.

"Whats up?" I ask. 

"Nothing. How was training?" 

"Good actually. We are gonna have a team night out later." I say, and her face slightly drops. 

"O- Oh. I was gonna share some of the pasta we made." She says with a slightly disappointed face. 

"No, I can eat the pasta and then go out. I'll just work it off tommorow." I just shrug it off. Of corse I have to eat the food my girlfriend made me. I mean, it would be rude not to. 

"Okay, just, you don't have to eat the pasta because of me. Do it for your own sake." She says while holding my hand. 

"I know." I say, as she leans in and places a gentle kiss on my lips. I love it when she kisses me. Her lips are so soft, and the way she is so gentle with me. She stays there for a few moments, before pulling back, 

"Hayley, Im gonna tell you something, and you don't have to say yes." She asks, with her face very close to mine. 

"What is it?"

"I wanna make love with you." She blurts out. Oh my days. I have been waiting for this moment for as soon as I met her. I just didn't know it was gonna happen. 

"I want to as well." I say back. She just smiles at me, connecting her lips with mine again. This time, its bit more passionate, with more hunger. She slips her tongue into my mouth, as I feel her hand coming towards the back of my next, pulling me closer towards her, as my hands rest on her lap. Our tongues grow deeper into each other, as I move myself on her lap, stroking her back up and down. 

"Pick me up." I mumble in her mouth, as she gets up from the sofa and holds me up, taking me to the bedroom. She still doesn't break our wonderful make out session, as she kicks the door open, laying me down on the bed, with her dominating me. The nerves are coming. I cant beleive I am having sex with Leah for the first time. My hands are at her shirt, slightly tugging it giving her the single to take it off. 

"You are really desperate aren't you?" She says with a smile, pulling her shirt off. My eyes instantly go down to her body. Her toned abs with her strong biceps are so sexy. 

"Its your turn now." She whispers, as I sit up, pulling my shirt off. She has the same reaction as be to be honest. She bites her bottom lip, pushing be back down, taking my hand and interlacing my fingers with hers, pinning it to the mattress. My legs press onto her back, pushing her harder toward me. My hands go all over her her body, until it reaches her bra. 

"Can I take this off?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says, as I unclamp her bra, throwing it out of the way. This is the first time I've seen someone like this, and she looks absolutely fantastic. Her breasts are so perfect and her shoulders are so level and strong. I lift up my back a bit, her hands running down my back, taking my bra off. Her hands run over both of my breasts, all the way down to my abs, to the waistband of my shorts. I can feel myself getting sweaty already.

"Can I take this off?" She asks, as I give her a nod. She takes off my shorts and my underwear all in one go, as she stares at my body, up and down.

"You alright?" I ask in a joking way. 

"Not my fault you are so fucking sexy." She says, as I slightly giggle. She takes off her shorts and underwear, and now we are both completely naked. 

"One second, I have to get ready." She says, leaning over me to the bedside table, with her boobs in my face. Her nipples are right above my mouth, so I quickly suck her nipple and pull back, acting like nothing happened. I loved that. I with I could do it again. She pulls back holding a hairband, as she gives me a goofy smile. 

"I saw that you numpty." She jokes, as she puts her hair in a bun, straddling my legs while doing so, so our cores touch each other. This woman makes me go insane, as I feel a drop of sweat running down my face, laying my hands on her hips and she finishes the bun. Now she looks even more sexier. She leans down, pressing her lips against mine, as I bring my arms over her neck, holding her down. Her skin on mine is like nothing else. I feel like I am on cloud nine. After a few moments, sits herself up with her legs straddling my core, placing her hands on my chest. 

"You ready?" She asks. 

"I was born ready." I say with confidence, as she slowly grinds herself on me. This feels so good right now.

"Oh, Leah." I moan, as she slicks back her access hair on her forehead. She kisses me again, while she still rolls her hips against me. This time the kiss is more passionate, as she starts to kiss and suck my neck, before moving down and kissing my breasts. She licks the gap between, before sucking one of my nipples, causing me to throw my head back in pleasure. 

"Leah, don't stop. I need you." I moan, as she pinches my other nipple, and giving the same attention to the other one. My hands are scratching up and down her back, and she finally moves down to my core.

"You are soaking wet for me baby." She whispers. I cant do this. She is just so hot. She plants her head between my legs, licking all my wetness. 

"Oh yes, yes." I moan, as I feel myself squirting on her face.

"Ah, you bitch." She says, and I instantly start laughing. I love how she makes jokes during sex. She looks down on me, and I squirted some just under her left eye. "You gonna do something about it?" She questions, as I roll her over, so I am on top of her.

"Obviously." I say, licking her face, so I taste my own cum. After I lick it, I also kiss all over her face, before rolling back down. She looks slightly confused. 

"Are you not doing anything to me?" She questions. 

"One day, you will get all the pleasure in the world. I promise." I say, as she softly scoffs. 

"Fine. But thats a promise." She says, as I get up to shower. "Wait, Rookie?" 


"I love you."

"I love you too."

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