A special delivery

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A few days have passed since that coffee "date" with Leah, and to be honest, I haven't really told anyone about it. Apparently, Chloe DID set up the shop incident with Catlin, coz apparently they ship us really hard. And as much as I am obsessed with her, I don't think I am in the position to go out with her. I mean, I am way out of her league. 

Training starts again in 5 days, but because Volleyball isn't really paying women that much anymore, I started to get a second job around 2 months ago, where I would throw newspapers to doors around North London on my motorbike. it isn't the best job in the world, but if I were to work in a place like McDonalds, the area would be a nightmare. So for now, I have to work by throwing newspapers to peoples houses. It isn't the best paying job, but money is really key to me, especially since I have to take care of my mums cancer treatment. She isn't doing too well. 

Anyways, I left the house at around 9 at night, but the problem was, it was pouring with rain outside. I was wearing my leather jacket and my baggy jeans, probably not ideal for a rainy day like this. Its just classic London weather at this point. I got outside to my black motorbike and put on my helmet, started the engine and zoomed forwards. All the papers were at the back of the bike, and I had to chuck them one by one at some random strangers houses. It was impossible to see though. The rain drops were covering my vision on my helmet, so I had to use my sleeves to wipe the front around every 5 seconds. My clothes were getting soaked at this point, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier, to the point where the sides of the road were beginning to flood. I looked behind me, and all the papers were wet. It was also very dark, so I just decided to grab the whole box of papers and throw them to the doors of random flats.

I went to every single room in the flat that had around 10 floors, and then once I got to the last room, I couldn't be bothered to say hi and knock on the door, so I just threw the paper to the door. Unfortunately, it landed a little harder than I wished, and it created a loud thud. I tried to run away, but then by the time the door opened, I knew it was game over. 

"Hayley?" I heard a voice. How does she know my name? I turn around, and I see Catlin swinging herself at the door frame.

"Oh, hey Catlin. How are-"

"Why are you so wet?" She interrupts. I knew she was gonna ask me that. I never actually had a chance to fully look at myself in the mirror since I left the house, so I think I look like a state right now. I can feel my sweaty hair across my forehead, so I think that's an idea of how bad I look at the minute. 

"Oh, its a long story. I better go now." I quickly say, turning my feet to leave. 

"Woah, woah. You are not going out, especially when there is a ligit thunderstorm." She tells me. Suddenly, the silence echos the room, and thenI hear lightning striking. So there is a storm. 

"Okay.. is there someone else in there?" I ask. I don't wanna ruin anything. Just as I ask that question, she gives me a grin. 

"No, no. No one is in here." She tells me, but I know she is lying. But I'd rather be in there that outside in the rain. I am probably around 30 mins away from my house right now, and there is no way I am risking myself of getting striked by lightning. So staying at Catlins house is probably gonna the smartest choice. I come in and look around, and just as I imagine, the place is really small. I actually feel quite bad right now, because I am wet AND I stink. But based on Catlin reaction, I don't really think she was bothered by it. 

"Do you wanna drink something?" She asks. I am unbelievably thirsty right now. 

"Yes please." I say, as she guides me to sit on the sofa, where she was watching Friends. I love friends. It is literally my favourite tv show. A few moments later, she brings me a lovely refreshing cup of water. 

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