In The End...

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                                                             Zelda's POV

Zelda slowly walked down the crumbled steps into the gloom, Link trailing behind her.

 "How much deeper can we get?" She asked, wondering where this gloom was coming from. 

Walking further, she noticed a shadowy figure up ahead. Blurred by the gloom, she couldn't make out what it was.

 Link rushed in front of her and immediately took the defensive. "Link! I'm fine!" Ignoring her protests, he took the lead.

 Slowly inching forward she started to make out a dark hooded figure bending over a body laid out on the floor. "Wait is that..." Who was that? It looked familiar. Slowly, the figure got up and turned around. 

It was Link. 

"What?" Zelda screamed, looking between the two Links. "How?" 

The new Link was wearing dark clothes with glowing red streaks. His right arm was melted away and coated in gloom. The real Link immediately sprang forward into battle.

 Zelda watched on in horror as Link clashed blades with himself. "Link! Be careful!" What in the world is this? I knew something weird was going on, but this? 

Suddenly Link screamed. It was a deathly sound, piercing Zelda's ears as she struggled to comprehend what had just happened.

 She looked over in horror just in time to see Link's body hit the ground. The dark Link left his sword in Link's gut, and strided over to the other body on the floor. 

He yanked a small white stone of the body and tossed it away. It rolled toward Link. Zelda rushed forward and grabbed Link's hands. Ice-cold.  

No no no no no no no. He can't be dead! 

A huge shudder went through the earth. Zelda looked up. The body was rising. Is that a mummy? Did it send Link to kill Link? 

The mummy reached up toward the sky, and sent a blast of malice up toward the ceiling. Slowly Link struggled to his feet. With a weak grunt, he pushed Zelda away as the floor caved in around him. 

"No! Link!" As if in slow-mo, he fell out of sight, the mummy in pursuit.

 Thoughts raced through her head. Link Can't be gone! This had all gone so wrong. It's all my fault!  Tears rolled down her face as she screamed into oblivion.

 No one heard her. 

Suddenly exhausted, Zelda fell to the dirty ground, sobbing. Then everything went black.


Zelda awoke back at lookout landing.

Everything was fuzzy.

Where am I, Where's Link?

She slowly got up, feeling for the edge of the bed. Her head was pounding, Everything hurts.

"As it should." " What?" Zelda jolted up and turned around. "Purah! What are you doing! ... Did I say that out loud?"

"Yep, sure did." Purah said smirking."Now, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! I find you PASSED OUT at the bottom of the castle ALONE! Where's Link?"

Zelda halted. Where WAS Link? He was with me the whole time, up until...

Everything rushed back.

She couldn't believe it. She'd lost it, she'd lost everything.

Keep it in control, you've got this.

But it wasn't true.

That mummy under the castle, it.. no it's my fault, no link.. he's gone.. but I...I wish I had....NO. IT'S ALL MY FAULT breathe...I CAN'T!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Pounding her fist into the ground Zelda screamed. She screamed her heart and soul out.

Tears dripping on the floor, she slowly picked herself up and turned around. Everyone, shocked by this sudden outburst, just stared.

She dug into her heart to tell them the words she had been dreading.

"Link's Dead".

She ran toward Purah sobbing. He's dead, he's dead, he's dead, I never told him...

"What do you mean he's dead?" Purah asked.

"There was a...a Link....a DARK Link....he...he..he...he stabbed Link...Then a mummy..."

"Wait hold up, There's a dark Link?"

"YES, he killed Link!" Zelda screamed, "It's ALL my fault, it was my stupid idea to investigate!"

"Wait," said Purah, "Calm down."

"Calm down?, CALM DOWN?, LINK IS DEAD AND YOU'RE TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN? We barely saved him the first time! I can't do this again, Purah I love him!"

"I know, I'm sorry."

"You knew?" Exclaimed Zelda, shocked.

"I mean, it was kind of obvious," Said Purah, "Considering everything you two do for each other."


"There he is! Dark Link!" shouted Zelda, " He's on the castle!" Rushing forward, she grabbed a spear and rushed out, Purah in pursuit.

Suddenly a dome of pinkish-blackish Malice closed around Lookout Landing. Zelda barely stopped in time not to get vaporized. Breathing fast, she whipped around to stare at Purah.

"I need to get him!, He KILLED Link!"

"I'm sorry," Purah exclaimed exhaustedly, "And I am extremely sad and just as shocked as you are. But we need to get you inside, before Dark Link comes back, we're sitting ducks out in the open! Please, if not for you, then for me.

Zelda sighed, "Fine." she consented, and slowly walked back with Purah.

Link was gone. And they were trapped at the mercy of Dark Link.

Without a Hero.

(Author's Note) Sorry for the cringey short chapter! Please comment, I accept all criticism!

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