A Story Left Unwritten

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He couldn't believe it.

He still couldn't believe it.

The past few days had gone by in a blur. Link barely remembered venturing across the rest of the sky islands. The shrines and the abilities he had gained were left in a hazy stupor. And now, as he was gliding down from the Great Sky Island, he started to recall what had happened with the Elder Tree.


"His son, the Great Deku Tree."

Link, too startled to use sign, began to shout in surprise. "What do you mean? His son? Despicable?" Rauru sighed. "Yes. The Great Deku Tree is his son. And he is the most vile one of his kind." "What do you mean?" Link interrupted. "Hold on, let me finish." Rauru stated calmly. "The Great Deku Tree, one of the great evils that was never extinguished. His accursed roots spread throughout the depths of Hyrule spreading gloom wherever they touch. And your sword, he healed it, correct?"

Link, still in a state of shock, stammered. "I...I think so, y...yes." Rauru sighed, clearly disappointed. "Then he has most likely cursed it. It's only a matter of time before it shatters." 

Link stopped, and everything slowed down around him, thoughts flooding through his head. "How can the Master Sword break! I don't even have it right now!" Rauru paced around, his brows furrowed. "That," he stated, "Is the other problem." He turned around to face Link, who was still in shock. "There is a way..." He mumbled. "But it will be nearly impossible to find." Link, having slightly recovered, stood up and faced Rauru. "How? It's left in the past. And, on top of that, it's Dark Link's sword. It was the one sent back into the past, and I never saw it there."

Rauru placed a hand on his shoulder. "That is my fault. We found it buried in your stomach when you were on the verge of death." 

"Wha..what did you do with it?" Asked Link, slightly afraid of the answer.

"Well...I don't really know."

"What do you mean?"

Yet again, Rauru sighed. "I...I lost it. I had brought it into a room in the castle for examination, and then...it was gone. I'm terribly sorry."

Link was starting to panic. How was he going to defeat Ganondorf now? Everything was going up in flames. Thoughts racing through his mind, he frantically tried to find a solution. "There must be some way to get it back!" He shouted.

"Yes, there is a way, however it could be lost for all I know." Rauru replied. "There was a relic. An instrument of time. I passed it down to a family of priests. But, even if you could somehow find it, the Master Sword is infected with Ganondorf's gloom. You'd have to find some way to cleanse it."

When there was no reply, Rauru looked back at Link. He had fainted.

(End of flashback)

And now here he was, gliding down from the Great Sky Island, still in a state of shock. He had been directed by Rauru to help out the four regions and their plights. Not only would you save them, but you might gain some allies in this war, was what he had said. So Link had decided to head torward the home of his good friend Prince Sidon. 

All he had noticed so far were large clumps of what looked like Goron poop falling from the sky. The once beautiful blue mountains of Lanayru were stained with brown, and, strangely purple. All the water was now tinted a dull brown instead of sparkling blue like it used to. Wondering what the heck was going on, he glided onward. Link was so focused on where he was going, he didn't notice the huge clump of brown hurdling torward him from above.

Everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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