The Imprisoning War

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                                                                             Rauru's POV

Rauru couldn't believe what had just happened. There was only one thought blaring in his head this time. We have to save Link. Pulling Sonia close, he rushed out of the castle. He had already called the warning song. Only those with special Zonai tech could hear it. Looking ahead, he noticed everyone from the castle waiting for him at the front gates. Hundreds of innocent children, parents, servants, and soldiers. All having their calm peaceful lives torn away from them. It was hard not to cry at the thought. "Ganondorf has stolen the Secret Stones and taken power! We need to evacuate to the Forgotten Temple!" Ignoring the gasps of shock, he took the lead. "Soldiers on the outside! Protect the children!" "SIr!" He turned around. It was Panji. "Which formation should we take?" "It doesn't matter. Just keep going and don't stop." Looking shocked, Panji fell back to the other soldiers. Hearing a weak groan, Rauru looked down. Link was stirring in his arms. The poor child. Rauru owed him his life. He couldn't even begin to comprehend what he would do without Sonia. "It's gonna be okay" He murmured, knowing that it wasn't true.

Turning back to see the destruction, he saw a blood-red moon rising in the sky. "Blood moon! Hurry!" he shouted. His ears flopped as he ran faster. Just make it to the port-hole!  There it was, just off the Great Plateau. The special warping device they used to get to and from the different cities was right there, hidden in plain sight. All they had to do was destroy it behind them.

Except there was one problem. The blood moon. Monsters were appearing as fast as the soldiers were cutting them down. There was nothing he could do but watch as soldiers were lost left and right. 

"Sir!" Panji was back. "What should we..." But he was cut off as a moblin stabbed him in the back. Tears slipped from Rauru's eyes as he ran on, hoping this nightmare would end. Link shuddered in his arms. Poor child. He was way too young for this. 

Rushing down the steps, they reached the grove where the port-hole awaited. But their path was blocked off. A dozen or so moblins blocked their path. Acting quickly, he glanced toward Sonia. Exchanging a knowing look, they filed into a well known formation. Reaching into the depths of his soul, Rauru called on his power of Light. Gently placing Link down, he slowly raised his hands into a triangle. With Sonia at his side pushing him on, he forced his third eye open. Using the same blast he used on the moldugas, the moblins were gone. Hurrying forward, he found the hidden construct. Placing his hand forward, the construct awoke.

"Authorizer Verified. King Rauru, do you wish to proceed?"

"Yes. It's an emergency. We're going to have to shut you down afterwards." Rauru choked out.


It was saddening to see these constructs fulfilling their duty to the very end. Rauru picked Link back up as the construct activated his port-hole.

"Hurry, King Rauru. Set to self-destruct in one minute." 

"Everyone, gather round!" Rauru shouted. Once everyone was in a circle, he activated the porthole. The last construct gave a feeble wave goodbye as they disappeared from sight.

When everyone was gone, the construct sat down to spend its final moments with nature. Watching sadly as his fellow constructs were destroyed, the timer went of.

With a huge boom that echoed throughout the kingdom of Hyrule, the last construct was gone.


                                    Marik's POV

Ganondorf was turning into a monster. Mad with power, he had forgotten all about the Gerudo. Marik had already first-hand witnessed the murders of all the innocent survivors. Ganondorf was going on a rage. Having already killed all the hylians, he had gone on to the constructs. Then he had even ordered his new army of monsters to destroy the remaining villages. They weren't even a part of this! 

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